Back to normal (Chap. 7)

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Tsukishima's pov

We ended up winning the match against Tokonami High, and it seems like Daichi has some sort of history with one of the team members. I'm guessing they used to be classmates, but I could be wrong. We were eating a light snack and warming up for our next match against Date Tech. Asahi and Nishinoya seemed pretty nervous. Probably because in their last game against them they lost in straight sets. Though, Asahi seems to be less nervous than he usually would be. Hinata is, and I quote, "Uivering in anticipation". Yes, uivering. He's so nervous he's saying words wrong. I'm not surprised though, it's not like I didn't expect this from him.

Now he's calm, but he looks weird.

Yamaguchi's pov

We're going against Date Tech, and all the third and second years seem pretty nervous. It's making me nervous too! But, I know we can win! We won our first match, so we should be able to win the second one, right? And even if we can't, there's no chickening out now! I just have to believe in them and cheer them on!


We won! We won, we won, we won! I'm so happy! We get to move on to the second day, and it looks like the third years are pretty much over their fears for the most part. I'm happy that they can be happy, and that I can see Tsukki play more! I don't get to interact with Tsukki as much since the training for the interhigh has been kinda grueling, so I'm glad I get to see him play and observe his techniques and what he's been learning! I'm glad he's getting something out of this, even if it means talking to me less! Plus, I still get to see him in class and walking to school! We're both getting the most out of our practice, and we still get to talk to each other!

I'm happy! I'm happy... So why do I feel like this? I feel like I'm talking to him less and less. Like we're becoming distanced. He's talking to the others more since he's a regular and I'm not, but I feel so jealous. I feel like he might forget about me if I don't talk to him! I know he won't, I know he cares about me and I'm still his closest friend, but still. I can't help it. Maybe I'm just being too needy... It's not even my place to feel like this. It's not my place to feel jealous. It's his life. I don't know what to do. Maybe I should talk to him...
But I feel like he would be annoyed. I just need to get over it. I'll feel better eventually, after the Interhighs are over and we can start talking like normal again! Yeah! It'll all be back to normal after the interhighs.


Hey!! Sorry this chapter was shorter than normal! I know that Yamaguchi never canonically has these thoughts, but this is called Twists and Turns for a reason, right? Haha... I'm not funny. Welp, hope you enjoyed this! Thanks for reading, have an amazing day/night, love y'all!💚💛💚

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