Halloween! (Chap. 10)

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It's halloween! There's a halloween party going on in the gym for the students. I wonder what Tsukki is going as, I'm going as a mouse. I know, it's basic, but I think it's cute! I wonder if Tsukki will go as a dinosaur, he does love them, after all. That would be cute, Tsukki in a dinosaur costume! I'm already imagining it!

...Now I really want Tsukki to show up in a dino costume.

It's halloween, the best holiday. Halloween is the best. You demand entrance into people's homes and threaten them for candy. It's amazing. I'm going as a dinosaur, because dinosaurs are the best. I wish I was a dinosaur, I wanna be dead. Still can't say that? Okay, okay, fine. Anyway, I wonder what Yamaguchi is going as. I have a feeling he would go for something simple and not too over the top, like an animal. Something common, so that he doesn't get too much attention, but isn't left out. I'm reading way too much into this, aren't I? Whatever. I don't want anyone else to pay attention to him anyway, so it'll be a bonus if he doesn't wear something too eye-catching. 

Whatever, it's not my business anyway. I should just get dressed....


I'm all dressed in my costume, and am currently walking to the school for the party going on in the gym for the students. I didn't want ot go at first, but I knew the rest of the team would have ended up dragging me there anyway. 

I see Daichi and Sugawara talking by the doorway to the gym and walk up to them.

"Ah, Tsukishima! How are you? Your costume is great!" Sugawara said.

"I'm fine, thanks." I answered.

"Have fun at the party, then!" Daichi said. I was about to go inside when Sugawara grabbed my shoulder and leaned in to whisper something into my ear.

"I think Yamaguchi is on the right side of the gym near the corner!" Sugawara whispered to me. My eyes widened a bit, but I nodded, walking off to where Yamaguchi supposedly was. I passed by a lot of students from our grade, hoping they wouldn't recognize me. The bonus about this costume is that it's difficult to see my face. 

I walked over to the corner to see Yamaguchi with a sour expression on his face, holding a cup of something.

"Yamaguchi, hey." I greeted him. His face lit up as he looked up and saw me walking up to him.

"Tsukki! You're here! I was getting a bit worried you wouldn't come." He said. 

"Well, here I am. What are you dressed up as?" I asked him.

"Oh, I came as a mouse! I think they're cute, and I didn't want something too over the top." He explained. I- oh my god. I guessed it. He's so cute I-

"Oh, okay. I'm guessing you already know what I'm here as." I said expectantly.

"Yeah, a dinosaur, right? That's cute!" He said. Wait, did he just say cute?

"Yeah, a dinosaur, right? That's cute!" Oh god. I just called him cute. I've made a mistake-

"Cute...?" He trailed off, looking very confused.

"Uh, yeah! Dinosaurs are cute, aren't they? I think so, at least." I said. I saved it! That was so awkward. I tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear and looked down at my punch-filled cup.

"So, uh... do you wanna check out the rest of the party? Get some food?" I suggested. I just want to get out of this incredibly awkward situation!

"Yeah, sure. Let's go." He agreed and began walking off. I walked by his side as we weaved through the crowd. It wasn't as many people as I thought it was, there was a decent amount of space between every person, but the dim, red lights made it seem more cramped.

We arrived at the food table, and there were a lot of options! There was punch, candy, cookies decorated to look like different monsters, a cake that looked like a dismembered head, a lot of stuff! Tsukki and I just grabbed a cookie each and walked off, as to not block the way for other people.

"Hey, wanna go outside to eat these? It's pretty cramped in there." I suggested.

"Sure, I do need some fresh air." He agreed and we walked towards the doors to the gym, the cool October air hitting our faces as we wandered over to the bench up against a wall nearby. we sat down and silence fell over the air. Tsukki held out his cookie expectantly, as if he wanted me to take it. We often share food, It's just become something natural. 

I took a bite of his cookie and held out mine for him to do the same. He bit off a piece and went back to his own food. I looked up at the night sky, the stars visible in the late October night. Tsukki followed my gaze to the stars. I layed my head on his shoulders and began to feel tired, and before I knew it, the clutches of sleep had claimed me.


Hello, everyone! I'm so sorry this took so long, I've just been so overwhelmed with school, and chores, and schedules. It's been hard to keep track of this! I know it's not halloween anymore, but I really wanted to do a halloween chapter for this! I think it's pretty cute, let me know what you guys think!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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