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B.O.R.E.D.; Buying Overpriced Rubbish at Expensive Dimes




Dylan's Bedroom

11:43 AM 

“ No.”  

“Please Dyl?”

“Definitely not.” I said again.

“Pleeaase.” She pouted.

“Brenna, I absolutely will not take a picture of your ass just so you can send it to some kid.”

Brenna sighed and fell onto the bed beside me. “He isn’t just some kid, he’s a new kid who just so happens to be my brother’s friend whom I’m trying to persuade to have a party tonight.”

I gave her a look, “Brenna. You can’t bribe someone with your nudes just so that they’ll throw a party. ” I let out a breath and flopped back onto the bed next to her, knocking over a stack of headshots.

“Technically he won’t be having the party, I will. He’s just providing the space and even technicalier, or whatever the superlative form of that word is, I’m not bribing him, it’s more like putting in a down payment in the form of a selfie… of my body. But since you won’t do it for me and want to be a terrible best friend, I’ll just figure out some way to do it myself.”  Brenna huffed.

I watched as Brenna got up from my bed and danced her way into my en suite. She’s insane but I love her all the same.

Reaching down to the floor, I finally decide to stop procrastinating and take a look at the new headshot options. The agency I’m signed to thinks its time to update my portfolio.

I didn’t even bother to actually look look at them. To be honest they all looked exactly the same. They all featured me, a blonde haired-green eyed female with absolutely nothing special or unique to look at. Honestly, I don’t understand why I get jobs at all. Models are supposed to be strikingly gorgeous and not everyday plain. You can probably find someone who looks exactly like me, or even prettier shopping at some trashy department store.

“I don’t know how you do it Dylan Daniels.” Brenna spoke creeping up behind me (still butting up her shorts what a slut)

 “ Do what? Manage to be friends with a slut like you?” I teased.

 “Cute. “ She retorted, taking the pause to lie on top of me. “ But no I mean how do you manage to look so gorgeous without putting in absolutely any effort. Its unrealistic.” Her eyes darted back and forth between the photos in front of us.

 “ I Don’t.”

 “ Don’t what?”

“Manage.” I said truthfully.



Friendly’s Restaurant

1:26 PM

“Sawyer, why are you getting nudes from my sister?”  I asked tearing off a piece of bread from the basket between us then throwing it so that it hit him in square in the face.

He blinked, and then snatched the phone out of my hand.  “That’s an invasion of personal property and none of your business- “

 “IF you wanted to cheat on me, you could have at least done it with a skank that doesn’t have a better body than me. I mean look at her she’s got a flawless ass, how the hell am I supposed to compete with that? Huh Sawyer?” I said mocking the tone of a jealous girlfriend.

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