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So guys, i've come to the conclusion that instead of putting three characters in one chapter, i'll do one OR two characters per chapter. This way the chapters wont be like 8 billion pages. PLUS I'LL BE ABLE TO UPLOAD LIKE THREE TIMES A WEEKISH 

I hope this makes it less confusing (:




2:26 PM

It seems like everything here in New York retrieves memories from before I left for California. Even though no one knows except for me and he who shall not be named, I still feel conscious that someone is going to slip up and everyone will find out what I did.



I pushed the thoughts out of my head and focused on the run ahead of me.  After I gave a nod to my trainer, Cody, I bent my knees and began to take position. The last time we practiced sprinting this distance my time was 18.6 seconds. That was good, but not good enough.

"Here we go Nikki! Don't push yourself too hard, alright! You're doing great!" Cody encouraged.

At the sound of his whistle I took off. My arms pumped fast and my legs even faster. Everything aside from the finish line was blurred out of my mind. The trees, ground, and clouds all turned into a blur as I zoomed past them.

"You got it ... Come on Nikki, just a little faster, you’re almost there!" My coach's voice yelled from far behind me.

Following his orders, I pushed myself even more. Even after I was way past the finish line, I kept running.

"Wooah! Woah! Watch where you're going! You already passed the finish line!" Cody yelled.

My sprint slowed to a run, then to a jog, and when I got to him I started to walk. My breaths came out short and uneven which is abnormal for me. I dizzily grabbed a water bottle and sat on the bleacher adjacent to him.

"What's the time?" I asked, still struggling to breathe regularly.

Cody looked down at his stopwatch then back up with a goofy smile on his face, "...9.8 seconds!"

"Damn it!" I cried, and threw my empty water bottle on the ground.

"Damn it? What do you mean damn it? That was good!  Great, actually. You almost cut your time by half."

"Yeah, but it's too close to ten seconds. I was hoping to be under that by now."

Cody gently took my face in his hands, holding it so that I looked directly into the depths of his blue eyes.

"Look Nikki, The Olympics are a little over a year away. You will make it there. We're gonna ace the trials and you will represent the U.S. team, alright?" I couldn't help but watch his tongue as it jetted out of his mouth and wetted his plump, pink lips.

"It's your first week back after some time," Cody continued, "right now we just need to focus on getting you back into shape and everything else will just come naturally, got it "

I nodded. "But Cody, you know what people are saying.  They don't think I'm gonna make it!" I took his hands in my own, removing them from my face. His fingers felt cool compared to my warm, sweaty ones.

"What they say has no meaning to me and you. They don’t know what they’re talking about. I bet you every single person who has said anything bad about you isn't the fastest teenager on the East Coast."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2015 ⏰

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