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******REVISED 1/26/15


I feel like I'm uploading to frequently without having people who actually read my story. Perhaps im wrong? if your a silent reader just favorite this chapter so i know I'm wrong :3

update: this chapter is lawng 

thank you again @jessicreative for editing this!



Dylan’s bedroom

1:28 PM 

I got in pretty late last night… or early this morning. Whichever way it was considered it it was waaay past midnight even though I didn't party very hard. Partying hard isn't really my thing anyway. It just doesn’t come very natural to me, although I wish it did. I bet it’s great being able to let loose and not have to think about stupid stuff like meetings, pubicity, and keeping your weight. 

Holy fuck this bed is really comfortable.

So comfortable, I’ve refused to shift my position for the last 8 or something hours. Being wrapped up like a burrito from chipotle is way too comfortable. Wait, Chipotle sounds so good right now. 

“DYLAN?” My mother’s voice yelled from the speaker above.

Maybe if someone disables our home intercom, I'll be able to stay in this position forever.

“DYLAN! I know you're in there!" She says again. I could just hear her getting closer because her voice was ringing louder than it had been before before. The thought of her ruening my state of serenity makes me shrink deeper into the duvet. 

"No I'm not!" I yell, hopefully she'll hear me.. or not. I don't really care.

I'm just praying that if i pretend not to be here maybe I'll actually disappear.

"Dylan Carolina Marie Daniels! Don't pretend you're not there because I can see you." My mother's thick accent screamed, alarming me so much I fell right out of the bed and onto the floor.

"Maa.. " I whined, trying to tame my unruly blonde hair. 

"Don't 'Maa' me, do you even know the time? You know you have meetings today right?" Her slender body hurried around my room, opening curtains (ouch) and throwing things into places I'd probably never remember. "You didn't even taken vitamins today. Dylan your such a mess, why you put this dress on the floor, it was four thousand dollars!" 

I rolled my eyes. Fuck vitamins, I swear they don't help anything at all and that dress too. I've never even worn it. 

When she wans't paying attention, I glared at the back of her head. My mother is the optimum of a dance mom, pagent mom, soccer mom, or any kind of stage mom combined. Picture one of those screaming moms disguised as a hispanic goddess and boom, you have my mother. My mom, Emilia, and I look totally different from each other. Unlike me my mother has perfectly golden skin without even trying. She also has the shiniest, silkiest, brown hair that can be navy or pin straight depending on how she wants it that day, which totally isn't fair. Her eyes are the perfect mixture of honey and brown giving them the ideal hazel color. 

To be honest, I don't look like either one of my parents or anyone in my family for that matter. Noone except me and my paternal great grandmother have green eyes and in every family photo, my blond hair sticks out like a sore thumb. The only qualities I took from my mother is my naturally sunkissed skin and lean body shape. 

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