Are You Okay? Part Two

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"Sparkles.." Catra starts to hiss.
Glimmer swallows. "Yes?"
"I told you to watch her!" Catra's ears twitches.
"I know! I'm sorry-!" Glimmer stammers.
Catra pounces. Perfuma and Scorpia step in front of her. "Sit down." They say.
Catra sighs and tries to calm herself. "Phew." She talks to herself. "You got this, Catra. Calm down." Catra kneels to Adora and holds her. "Wake up."
Bow kneels to her level and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Touch me and I will claw your face off." He backs away.
"That's what I thought."
Mermista groans. "So are we going to figure out why we can't breathe? Or just stand around?"
Seahawk elbows her in her. "Dearest.."
She rolls her eyes. "Fine."
Frosta panics. "Guys...I'm scared."
Perfuma looks over to the child. "Okay. Sit down. It's going to be okay. Deep breaths."
The eleven year old looks confused.
"Or-!" Perfuma starts tickling her.
"Stop!" Frosta starts laughing.
Adora wakes up days later.
Catra is pacing around the room, twisting her wedding ring, counting backwards to calm herself. "20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15..." Adora notices Bow and Glimmer talking about what happened to her. Catra glances over. "Adora..guys, she's awake!" Bow takes Glimmers hand and walks over to the bed. "Adora! Bow, tell the others!" Glimmer tells him.
The room is fulled with the Princesses.
"How long was I out?" Adora asks.
Catra looks at them. "7 days.."
"A week!?" Adora says.
Glimmer nods.
"Oh my gosh.."
"But hey, you're okay now!" Catra tells her.
Adora smiles.
Frosta hugs her. "We missed you!"
"Aw. You did?" Adora snort laughs.

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