{Chapter Three}

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Continuation From Last Chapter

Your P.O.V

I finally arrived home at about 1pm and kicked my shoes off and threw my jacket on the sofa, I ventured out into the kitchen and proceeded to make myself a cup of tea. While the tea bag was brewing, I decided I'd send a voice message to my mom since it was only about 5am over in the UK right now.

'Hey mom and dad, it's Y/N. Call me when you're free.'

I pressed the button and placed the plastic phone back into its cradle on the wall. I grabbed a teaspoon out of the drawer and got my teabag out of the mug. I threw the tea bag in the bin and the spoon in the sink and poured in some milk.

I took my tea with me into my room while I picked out an outfit to wear and some clean underwear. I took all the items into the bathroom with me and put them on the radiator so they'd be nice and warm for when I get out of the bath. That just reminded me, while the bath is running I'm gonna put the heating on before I freeze.

An Hour Later

I was out the bath, all clean and dried with my clothes on and was currently blow drying my hair. Once I'd finished all of that I grabbed my mug off the bath side and took it into the kitchen and washed up some of the cutlery and mugs I'd used and put them back in their rightful places in the kitchen. I then vacuumed the apartment and dusted the shelves and TV. Once I'd done my tidying for the day I sat down on the sofa wrapped in my favourite grey, fluffy blanket watching 9 to 5 since there was nothing else on the very few channels we had these days.

About 20 minutes later there was banging about going on outside of my apartment and someone heavily knocking on my door. Getting up with a sigh, I knew who it was. Tommy and Nikki, I knew Nikki was with him because Tommy wouldn't be walking around laughing and talking to himself. Unless...

'Hey doofus,' Tommy greeted me and barged into the apartment. Nikki smiled first, said a smile 'Hey' and came through.

'Aw man this is such a good film! Dolly Parton is hot,' Tommy sat down on the sofa, stealing my blanket and watched the movie I had been watching before they showed up.

'I know man,' Nikki joined in and sat with Tommy.

They were both talking and deciding wether her tits were real or not. Typical man thing I guess.

The boys then suggested we go out later tonight for some drinks at the Whiskey and I agreed. It'd be good to get out. I needed a good drink.

This could either go good, or end bad. But, as always. It ended bad. 

Silently Destroyed ~ Nikki Sixx - |On Hold|Where stories live. Discover now