{Chapter Twenty}

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Continuation From Last Chapter 

Vince's P.O.V

I pushed the blonde girl off me and got out of my bed, I left my room and walked down the dingy hall to the kitchen. I needed some water really bad and some tablets for my banging headache. I saw Nikki sat hunched over on the sofa, he looked worse than usual. His skin was pale, bags under his eyes, eyes bloodshot and his cheeks were tear stained. Shit. Something must of happened because Nikki doesn't cry. Ever. 

I quickly downed my pills with some cold water and chuckdd my cup in the sink. Man the house was a right mess, I'd deal with that later though. Nikki needed tending to.

'Hey man, what's up?' I asked cautiously and sat on the couch next to him.

He looked up at me and shook his head, his eyes were filled with mixed emotions; hurt, anger, remorse, guilt. 'I done something so, so stupid last night, Vince,' his voice was hoarse obviously from all the crying.

'What did you do man? Talk to me,' I looked at him reassuringly. He seriously needed to talk to someone, he looked like he was about to break.

'I-I, I can't even tell you, Vince. I don't know how. Every time I try to say it out loud, it's like I can't talk and guilt just washes over me. I can't get the words out,' his eyes immediately glossed over and tears poured from his red, puffy eyes.

'Whatever you've done man, it's eating you alive. You have to try and tell me, you're a right state, Sixx,' I threw my arm over his shoulder.

'First off, I did coke.'

'W-Wait? That's it?' I was a bit confused as to why he was so upset and a huge grin was plastered on my face.

'And. I cheated on Y/N,' he flinched at his own words.

I removed my arm from around his shoulders and my smile dropped. What the actual fuck?

'Man, what the fuck? She's your girlfriend, how could you even think of doing that to someone as genuine as her?' Y/N was honestly such a lovely, caring girl. It astounds me to this day how she even went for Nikki in the first place. I do envy Nikki. He's a lucky guy. 

'I know, I can't even believe I did it,' he looked up to me with a pleading look on his face, like he was shouting for help with his eyes. 

'If you really love her, high or drunk or not, you wouldn't even dream of doing this to her. You're gonna leave her broken, Nikki. Do you even understand how much she loves you?' 

'I know, Vince. I know all of this. I-I just don't know what overcame me,' he ran his hands through his hair.

'You tell her, or I do. You go over there right now and tell her everything. Now,' I pointed to the front door and my voice was low and stern. I meant it. If he doesn't buck up his ideas, there will be hell to pay. From all of us.

'Okay, I'll go la-'

'No, Nikki. You go now,' I raised my voice.

He didn't utter another word and got up from his spot on the couch and left. I was left to think of how ugly everything is going to get within the next 20 minutes.


Your P.O.V

I had a shower to freshen myself up a bit and the tablets had finally kicked in. I no longer had that dull headache anymore. It was currently 3pm and there was no sign of Nikki to apologise about last night for doing the coke and our argument because of it. 

I sighed and as I was about to sit on the couch, there was a knock on my door. Gunner was in the garden playing around with his toys so thankfully I didn't have him to deal with while trying to open the door.

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