{Chapter Twenty~Four}

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August 1st, '81

Your P.O.V

Wow. August 1st. That flew by. 

So, since the guys have been working their little asses off in the studio, they were finally due to have a much needed break. So, this is their 'free month' where they can do whatever the fuck they want, well, I mean, they do that anyway but they can now do it carefree without the extra weight on their shoulders about being in the studio making material.

The last 2 and a bit months have been a bit of a bumpy ride if I am completely honest. Obviously, Gunner got diagnosed with Canine Distemper, unfortunately the antibiotics he was on worked for a week and a half and he spiralled downhill again. So, we did the next best thing. Put him on IV fluids. It's not great, he's only one. He doesn't deserve it. But, he's been on the IV fluids for a month now. They have been working really well up until 2 days ago where I thought we were going to lose him. He suffered his first seizure of many to come.

Me and Nikki took him straight to the vet who has been there with us these past few months and she said it will be like this for a long while. Like I said before, there is no cure for this particular disease. But, because Gunner is a young, healthy and strong dog he has got a higher chance of surviving than any other dog would. Thankfully, the seizures shouldn't last more than 3 minutes and they won't happen too often. She said at least twice a month, maybe more depending on how he is going. He will be expected to have his bad days.

On the brighter, much happier side of things. Because Nikki has a month to do anything he pleases, me and him are taking a trip to San Jose to visit his grandparents. It was about a 5 hour journey from where we live so we will be leaving early hours tomorrow morning. We planned on leaving mine at 6am to get there for 11am.

Now, I was beyond excited to finally meet his family, he has already met mine a handful of times so I couldn't wait to finally meet his. They practically raised him as a child and so they were obviously very close people to him.

Because of Gunners illness, it made our life a bit harder. For instance, when I go to work someone has to be there with him to make sure he's safe. Tommy is the one who usually does that job. Vince also does whenever he can.

But, because Mick always tells me if I need him to watch Gunner, make sure he's the first person I ask. So, I called him yesterday afternoon to arrange it and he was fine with the idea, I think he loves his company.

He will need to go to the vet daily to get his IV fluids done and man it's costing me a fortune, but, Mick was still on board with the idea. I also got in contact with Claire (our vet) and let her know what's going on so she saved Micks details and kept them on record so he can legally take my dog in.

It was a sad sight, taking him everyday to the vet. But, because I work and with Nikki being in the studio, I will admit. It's getting hard to make sure he's fine. Luckily, my boss allows me to bring him to work sometimes, however, it is hard trying to keep him to stay on his bed and not get overly excited when a customer comes in.

But, it's now my new routine, I'm used to it. Ish. It's a hard one. But we will get there soon. Or so I thought.


August 2nd, '81

Your P.O.V

Today me and Nikki were going to see his grandparents. So, we had to be up at 5am to get ready and put our bags in the car.

We were taking my car since Nikki hasn't got one yet, but he offered to drive and of course I didn't turn it down.

Currently, we were in the car on the way to Micks house to drop Gunner off. I was having mixed feelings about this, I wanted him to come with us but Nikki and I both knew how unpractical that would be since his second home is now the vet.


We arrived at Micks at 5:40am and I'm surprised Mick was even up, although, knowing him he will go straight back to bed once he has Gunner in and settled.

'Thanks again, Mick. Are you sure you're fine?' I asked for the fifth time, I felt so bad leaving him with Mick even though he was the one to suggest it. I usually did leave him with Mick whenever I needed to anyway. Just not for this long.

'Y/N, yes. Now go or you'll get caught up in traffic,' Mick ushered me out onto his doorstep and didn't hesitate to shut the door.

I chuckled at his antics and made my way back to the car. Mick did make me laugh bless him, he was just straight to the point which I loved about him.

'Ready?' Nikki asked, putting the handbrake down.

'Yep,' I smiled and buckled myself in.

Now. This shall be fun, 5 hours in the car. At least it was with Nikki.


'Babe, what do you want to have?' Nikki poked my face, whispering.

'Huh?' I sat up and look out the window. Fuck yes. Nikki stopped at McDonald's.

'Bacon roll and an orange juice,' I said half asleep, food sounded amazing right now, especially a McDonald's breakfast. 'Oh, and a hash brown,' I poked his thigh.

You know, I'm so jealous of Nikki. He has thicker thighs than me the little butt munch.


We decided to park in the car park to eat our food, well first we had to wait for the people to come bring it over to the car.

'It's not fair,' I crossed my arms over my chest.

'What?' Nikki was evidently confused.

'You have such good thighs. They're thicker than mine!' I slightly raised my voice, as a joke don't worry peeps.

'I know, look at the juicy fuckers,' he grabbed his thigh and winked at me.

I just scoffed and looked out my window and nearly leapt out my seat when I saw the lady come with our food.


We were only 2 hours in on our journey and still had another 3, well, 4 now due to traffic, to go.

We currently sat with the engine off getting impatient with the traffic.

It was literally that bad Nikki had turned the engine off. We weren't going anywhere anytime soon. 

I was sat bouncing my leg up and down and Nikki was sat with one arm out the window and his other hand on my thigh. It was way too hot for this crap. We were in the middle of summer for god sake! 

'Babe, that is so annoying,' Nikki snapped his head round to look at me.

'Well, move your hand then. You were the one that put it there,' I replied smartly, unbuckling my seatbelt and standing up to the best I could, my whole top half hanging out the window.

'What the fuck are you doing?' Nikki asked, trying to pull me back in the car.

'Looking to see what the hell is going on. Oh, wait I see. Someone's crashed, into a-, are you serious?!' I was literally just about managing to hold my laughs in.

'What? What's happened?' 

'Someone has crashed their car into a bush. I don't even get how,' I don't know why I found it so funny, I think it's becuse of boredom and just, how the fuck do you even manage that?

'That's not even funny you weirdo now get back in the car,' Nikki swiftly pulled me back in and had a face of thunder. Not that I blame him. It was all hot in the car and we were stuck sweltering.


Finally, about 20 minutes later the traffic begun to move and now we were about an hour and a half away. Nerves were bubbling at the pit of my stomach and I wanted to literally crawl under a rock and never come out again.

I got so nervous meeting new people, especially because it was my boyfriends family.

Let's just pray to the gods that they like me.

Silently Destroyed ~ Nikki Sixx - |On Hold|Where stories live. Discover now