Chapter 5

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It was the next morning, 2 days away from Brad's party. As usual, the alarm clocks went off and Loki already knew today would be VERY different. Loki, Tony, Clint, Thor and Natasha felt different, they noticed that they had regained their strength back but Steve was more shocked and, Bruce, well he wasn't feeling himself at all.

Steve woke up to him feeling a familiar rush of adrenaline and unexplainable energy which happened last time. When he saw himself in the mirror, he was in shock. He was still a teenager but this time, incredibly muscular. That included some facial features and some other places. Now he figured he was fully back to Captain America but younger. Not that he wouldn't still be The Captain America anyway.
"The serum.. It's activated.." Steve mumbled to himself.
"But how?.."
He pondered on that, because as far as he knew, he never took that pill. He was going to have to tell everyone what had happened and he needed answers.
Surely Bruce would know how this happened. Steve thought.

Bruce didn't wake up. No, it wasn't him. It was The Hulk. He groaned as he observed his surroundings.
"Hulk alive again!" He shouted as he moved his muscular green arms around, smashing objects.
"Tiny room!"
He proceeded to pick up and throw a desk out the window.
"Banner! You okay in there?"
Hulk's head turned towards the door, it was Natasha.
He grabbed the door and yanked it off it's hinges.
"HULK IS ALIVE!" Hulk repeated.

Natasha was in complete shock.
It was The Hulk, insanely huge and completely green. Only this time, The Hulk looked younger.
I thought Hulk was dead. She thought, noting SHIELD got it wrong.
Hulk's face turned into a confused one.
"Hulk don't remember you being this small."
Natasha's eyes motioned towards the half smashed mirror.
Hulk's eyes followed. He now noticed he was a... Teen-Hulk.
He stared in horror then started to have a full-blown panic attack.
"HULK IS YOUNG! HULK IS SMALL!" He yelled as smashed the other half of the mirror and the rest of the bedroom.
Natasha grew concerned.
"BRUCE NOT HERE! ONLY HULK!" He shouted as he threw the bed into the wall.
"No.." Natasha said.
Hulk proceeded to destroy the room.
Hulk stopped. He turned to face Natasha, still holding a face of panic and anger.
"The sun is getting low.." She calmly stated.
She held her hand out to his, Hulk flinched but then moved his hand palm closer.
Natasha gave him a soft smile.

The Hulk's expression changed. He jolted back and landed on the floor with a loud groan. Natasha could him getting smaller and his colour changing. He was transforming back into Bruce.

"W-what happened?" Bruce asked with a raspy voice.
"Y'know the big green guy?" Natasha said.
"Looks like he's here after all."
Bruce sighed.
Right at that moment, Steve ran into the room.
"Banner! I don't think the Hulk is gone!"
Bruce and Natasha rolled their eyes.
"Yeah, I know."
Steve looked around the room, observing the broken furniture.
"What happened in here?"
"What do you think, Rogers? He Hulked out." Natasha replied.
Natasha analysed Steve's body. It was now a lot more toned and very large for a teenager.
"So I'm guessing you somehow took that pill too, huh?"
Steve focused on Natasha again.
"What? Oh, I guess so, heh."

Banner was still sitting on the ground. Trying to process the fact that Hulk was still around, and would be for school.
"Guess we gotta tell the others. I'm surprised you guys didn't hear any of this." Natasha said.

Loki heard it all. He kept his door slightly open that night so he would be ready for when Banner transformed. He found this very amusing. He decided to check in on them.

"Good morning! Oo, what happened here?" Loki announced, while walking into Banner's room.
They all turned towards him.
"Oh, hey. Looks like the Hulk will be occasionally joining us after all." Steve said.
"Oh, I see." Loki looked at Steve. "I see you've become quite big again! Always a delight."
Steve grew irritated. He didn't know why.
"Yeah, okay. Maybe we should all leave so Bruce here can get changed." He suggested.
"Yeah, seems like the best idea." Natasha replied.

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