Chapter 3

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Connor, I'm scared.

Avery, calm down. Stay hidden.


The guy is a room away from me.

I'm terrified, Connor

Don't worry.

Stay quiet and don't do anything stupid.

Connor, he's gone.

Where are you?

Don't worry, I'm in the hybrid OR room.

Is the door locked?

Yes, I have the door locked and blinds shut.

Would it be possible for me to go over to the room?


Where's the shooter?

I have no clue

If I check he might see me






I'm okay Connor. It wasn't me that got shot.

Thank goodness.

Who did he get?

He got Ethan.


Connor don't do anything stupid.

Stay hidden and safe for me.

Fine but is Ethan okay?

He's breathing if that's what you mean...

Why did the guy shoot him?

He tried to make a run to April I think.

Are they both okay?

Shooter knows where April is due to Ethan.

Pretty sure the room's door is locked.

Where is the shooter?

Near the entrance.

What room are you in?

Trauma 3

Right. Can you lock the door?

I don't have the keys, I'll have a look in the room

Can you block the door with anything??

No, I found the keys


Connor. The lock was really loud. I hear footsteps.

Hide Ava.

Where though?!


He's trying to get in. He's shouting.

Ava. The glass is bulletproof don't worry, he can't shoot you through it.

That doesn't mean he can't break the door open!

Don't worry. Stay quiet.

I'll try Connor. Are you hidden?

I'm peaking out of the blinds. He can't see me.

Good. When I can I'll try to run to you.

He's trying to get me out. He's saying he will kill me if I don't.

I'm sorry Connor I have to go out.


Don't you dare leave that room!

Connor. He's threatening to kill everyone here!

The cops will be in here soon.

Stay hidden.


Connor. He just shot someone else.


I don't know. I have to get out.



He might shoot you, Avey.

Connor our friends are dying because I won't come out.

Fine. Please don't do anything stupid.

I have a plan don't worry. I'm going to try and get the gun off of him

Ava no

That's a stupid idea!

It's the best one we got.

Fine. Stay safe.

Okay I promise


Ava. Run to the hybrid room when you can.

5 minutes later.

I'm going to run to the hybrid room now. Unlock the door.

Okay. Be quick and safe.

Unlock the door quietly.

Ava made her way to the hybrid room as the shooter was trying to get April out of the room she was in. Ava went into the hybrid room to see Conner.


Conner had locked the door and they were safe for now.

Thanks for reading this chapter! Feel free to suggest stuff in the comments!

Word count: 500


Rhekker | A textfic | [Completed]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz