Chapter 7

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This is a few weeks after the first group chat chapter!



@Ava Are you coming into work today?

Probably not Maggie, I'm not feeling that great.

Okay, Ava get some rest.

Connor, you are needed at work.

But I'm looking after, Avey.

Maggie, Nat and I can cover there shift

Will, they have had plenty of time off this month.

Mags it's no problem. Leave the love birds alone

Fine. Nat, Will you are needed in now.

Thanks, Natalie and Will.

Yeah, thanks.

It's fine Ava. Get some rest.

It's absolutely fine Ava just relax for the day!


Ava, you feeling any better? It's pretty crazy in the ED today.

Then you should be working Nat

Well, it has calmed down for now Ava. I'm on break.

How's everything been with you and Connor?

What about with you and Will?

I asked first Ava.

Fine. It has been okay. Just the ups and downs as usual.

That's the same with Will and I. We aren't arguing as much at least.

That's amazing Nat. How's Owen?

Focus on making me soup Connor...

He's doing okay, he and Will have been getting along much better.

I'm sorry but Maggie is paging me.

Its fine Nat!

Bye Nat!



ED now Nat you are needed.

Coming Maggie.


Must be busy in the ED.

It is. Maggie won't stop paging me every few seconds.

Sorry, we aren't in to help Natalie.

It's fine. My shift ends in half an hour.

Thanks again, Nat.


Thanks for reading this short chapter! Feel free to vote, leave suggestions and feedback!

Word count: 272


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