Chapter 25

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Avey ❤️

Hey Connor. How are you?

Connor ❤️

Avey, aren't you working?

Avey ❤️

Maybe. I'm bored though.

It's so boring when your not with me.

Connor ❤️

You should be working, Avey.

And I know it's boring when you're lonely.

Avey ❤️

When does your shift start?

Connor ❤️

I have the night shift so 11 to 8.

Avey ❤️

Aw. I'll be back at home at 8.

Are you gonna go to sleep then?

Connor ❤️

I can't. I've tried for the past hour so I'm just gonna try and make it on caffeine.

Avey ❤️

That's going to be a hard night then.

Connor ❤️

I know it is.

What food do we need in?

Avey ❤️

The list is on the counter as usual.

Connor ❤️

Thanks. I'll get the shopping done since I have nothing to do.

An hour later

Connor ❤️

Avey do you need anything else?

Avey ❤️

Like what? Everything is on the list.

Connor ❤️

You need any tampons is what I'm asking.

Avey ❤️

No, but thanks for asking.

I need to go save some lives now.

Love you x

Connor ❤️

Love you too x

Have fun saving lives Dr Bekker.


Hello! Sorry for the wait on this chapter. Hope you enjoy the new writing style which I'll be sticking to for a while!

Word count: 230


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