Chapter 2

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*Disclaimer* The art above is not mine.

James Sirius Potter had been awaiting this night for a long time. James' parents would be out for the night, and he would be meeting his cousin Fred. James and Fred together, could rival the Marauders. They were the ultimate prank duo. They had a plan, and with all their cousins there, they could pull something big, something to prank them all.

There was however, one flaw to this plan, and that was, the fact that all their cousins would actually be there. They would have to escape all 11 pairs of eyes to proceed with their plan.

The plan, was as follows:

Step 1: Start a big game with everyone to get them distracted.

Step 2: Sneak into Harry's office.

Step 3: Find the invisibility cloak.

Step 4: Set off fireworks in the middle of the cousins' game circle.

It was a simple prank, yet effective.

When Fred arrived at the Potter's house, and Harry and Ginny finally left, it was go time. Or so James thought.

"Hold your horses!" Fred bellowed at James when he saw that he was already on the go. "We have to wait a bit or else it'll be suspicious!"

"Alright, alright," James said, the disappointment in his tone was very clear.

James saw Scorpius Malfoy, Albus' new friend. He wasn't too fond of Scorpius, but he didn't say anything. After about 20 minutes of chatting with Fred while occasionally glancing at the others, the decided to go ahead and start with the plan.

"Hey, Roxy!" James called.

"What?" She answered while walking towards them.

"Wanna play this muggle game with us?"

"What game?"

After they explained the game, she seemed pretty hooked, and soon enough, the others noticed and decided to join as well.

Albus, Scorpius, and Rose, were the last to join, as they were deep in conversation and took a while to realize what was going on.

Once everyone had joined, James and Fred slipped out of the group, and quickly but quietly ran upstairs.

The door to Harry's office was locked, and Fred suggested to use 'Alohamora', but James knew better than that.

Harry knew the boys would try to sneak in there, so he put many protective spells on the door, that even the unlocking spell wouldn't work on it.

Harry wrote down the counter-curse on a piece of paper so that he wouldn't forget, and he took that paper with him so that James and Fred wouldn't find it. However, before his parents left, James managed to snap a picture of the paper while Harry wasn't looking.

James pulled out his phone, pointed his wand at the lock , and muttered the incantation. The lock clicked. They were in. They were already halfway through the plan. Even if he didn't manage to pull the prank, he would still get in trouble for using magic out of school.

Looking around to make sure no one was watching, James and Fred slipped in.

"Ok, it should be made of some type of watery fabric." James described the cloak to Fred.

They looked around the room, in drawers and chests, cabinets and shelves, but there was no cloak.

"Where is it?! We've been searching for like 20 minutes!" James said dramatically as he slumped into the chair.

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