Chapter 6

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"We didn't get anywhere yesterday, so the bikes will last an extra day, right? We'll still get 5 days out of them," Damon chirped. I'd once again made the stupid mistake to sleep on the cold hard ground, back aching, ankles throbbing and head pounding. Fabulous.
"I spilled a bit of the fuel from one of the bikes. They'll run out at the same time they would if they didn't break." I said, angry that I'd been so clumsy.
"At least you got them working," Damon sighed, shivering. I wish we had a fire, but there was nothing to burn. Elsie and Damon were wrapped up in a blanket, while Sadie, Harper and Adam all squished together onto the same plank with one blanket along their legs.
"You're not cold, are you?" Sadie whispered to me.
"I'm fine." I muttered, stuffing my hands deeper into my jacket pocket. I couldn't believe we'd wasted a whole day. Baba's virus had evolved, and now it was affecting whatever wildlife was next. We didn't even know how it affected people, but if it was any similar, we'd be facing an army when we arrived at Kishma's base. I gripped Fifi, turning her on and letting her warmth spread up my left arm. Unfortunately for me, her little activation jingle echoed through our small camp, and everyone's eyes were on me.
"What's that?" Harper asked, eyes narrowing.
"Are you contacting someone?" Adam questioned.
"Don't lie," Adam said, standing up.
"It's not a communication device, I swear." I said, pulling Fifi out of my pocket and let her run around my hand.
"Then what is it?" Sadie piped up, and I sighed.
"This is Fifi. She's a little robot."
"What does she do?" I paused. Did I really want to tell them about my insecurities relating to interaction? No. But I couldn't think of a plausible lie that Adam wouldn't see through, so I sucked up my pride and told them the truth.
"She's designed to replicate human touch. She's for calming people down from panic or anxiety attacks." I mumbled, hoping they wouldn't ask anymore questions. I'd never believed in any higher power, and if there was one, they were laughing at me.
"Why do you call it a 'she'?" Harper.
"What do you mean, human touch?" Damon.
"How does it work?" Elsie.
"Why does it jingle?" Sadie.
And the worst question of all.
"Why are you holding it?" Adam. The quick little bastard was about to expose all of my bad behaviour.
"Let's go one by one, shall we?" I tilted my head and pointed to people as I answered their questions, quickly as possible.
"She's a she because she's programmed with a personality. Human touch because it works. It's a heater and she's got a soft coat. Because why not." I said.
"Why are you holding it?" Adam repeated.
"She's got a heater. I'm cold." I said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. And before I could stop him, Adam had snatched the little device out of my hand and was throwing it like a juggling ball. I gritted my teeth and stood up straight. "Give it back."
"Not until you tell us why you designed it." Adam grinned, cheekily. He knew full well why I needed it. He was a psychologist, for gods sake. He saw my last panic attack. He was just trying to make me squirm.
"I designed it because I was bored. I have a bunch of useless robots like that. I have one that disarms bombs, but nobody has explosives anymore. I made it because I found some scraps and built in on the off chance that it might be useful." I explained hurriedly, only telling a half-truth.
"There are more?" Adam raised an eyebrow.
"Adam, don't push it," Sadie squeaked, and he turned to her, eyes blazing.
"Don't tell me what to do, woman!" he roared, and when he faced me once again, I slapped him across the face.
"You bastard." I hissed, grabbing his ear. His legs were bent slightly, and if I let go, he'd fall to his knees. It all came together. The bruises, the yelling, the change in behaviour.
"Time out, time out, what's going on here?" Damon stuttered; eyes wide. Harper looked gutted, while Elsie's disappointment was running off her in waves.
"Sadie, you and Adam are a couple, correct?" I said, and she nodded, shocked.
"Does he, per chance, disrespect you? Bully you?" I said, watching as her face drained of all colour. She didn't respond. "Does he hit you?" I'd hit the nail on the head, because she burst into tears as she began nodding her head furiously.
"God, he's been so awful. He hits me, he yells at me, he, he, he's such a dick!" She yelled, and Harper wrapped her arms around her sister's torso.
"What do you have to say to this, Adam?" I hissed, pinching the skin on his neck, right on his pressure point.
"Surprised it took you this long to figure it out." He grinned, slipping out of my grip and putting his hand on my wrist. "Whatcha gonna do about it?" I looked up at the group, Sadie and Harper looking nervous, Damon being shocked, and Elsie giving me a warning glare.
"We're gonna handle this like adults," I spat, throwing his wrist off my arm, very grateful for the thin line of fabric that kept his skin off mine.
"Alright," Adam smirked, rubbing the raw skin at his neck.
"How long has this been happening?" I asked, cold and harsh.
"Since you decided to be a self-destructive asshole and only talk to robots."
"Who initiated the relationship?"
"I did."
"How long did it take before you started hitting Sadie,"
"7 months?"
"Your self control astounds me," I grunted, crossing my arms. I opened my mouth to ask another question before Harper spoke up.
"This is all your fault, Johnson. If you had just left everything alone we wouldn't be here," she croaked, tears brimming at her eyes.
"What do you mean, my fault?" I scowled, not knowing what I had done. "I didn't get them together."
"Everything's your fault. Get with the program! The incident, you and Elsie, all a train wreck that led here the moment you opened your stupid mouth at the academy." She growled, gripping Sadie's hand tightly.
"Hold on just a moment," Damon said, standing beside me. "Amy fucked up. Do I forgive her? No. But we can't blame her for everything."
"Sure we can," Adam piped up, grinning. "She's team leader, she can take the fall."
"Listen here, you snake," I snarled. "Craw has been manipulating you all since day one. I made a mistake, but it's not all my fault!"
"Such pride. Beware, it goeth before the fall," Harper raised an eyebrow, quoting Shakespear like it was something normal.
"Come on Harper, can't she catch a break? It's been a year," Damon pleaded. Elsie remained silent. "We all forgave you when you forgot to pack the food that one mission."
"You're saying we forgive her?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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