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"Hey, it's me Matthew :)" I read the text I had just received while doing my homework. I smiled and texted back, "Hi! So when are we gonna go out?"
"How about this weekend at 4? I'll pick you up, we'll go to the mall and get that ice cream i mentioned, it's so good, perfect for a pretty girl like you haha!" His attempt at flirting made me giggle a bit, I haven't had anyone try to flirt with me in a long time. I texted back sure and the plans were set.
    The rest of the week flew by fast and before I knew it, I was face timing Jordyn while getting ready for my date.
    "He better not try shit with you, I'll beat his ass," She emphasized the 'beat' and rolled her eyes. I couldn't help but laugh and just ignore her. "He's not gonna do anything relax!" I said.
    I had hung up with Jordyn and Matthew texted me that he was waiting for me outside.
    "Hi Matthew!" I greeted him while i got into his silver Toyota. He gave me a warm smile and his brown curls bounced as he gave me a friendly hug over the seat. He was warm and he kind of made my tummy tickle.
The ride to the mall was comforting, casual conversations here and there. I couldn't help but compare the size of his hands to the size of Mr. Reeves, how nicely they would fit around my neck. I blushed then quickly turned away.
We got out of the car and walked inside and laughed at a little kid who slipped on a mopped floor. It was going really good and I had gotten a raspberry flavored ice cream as he judged me and called it 'the worst flavor possible,' I playfully hit him. We ended up walking around and going into a couple of stores. We were inside Spencer's and were laughing at all the different toys that they had in the back when I turned around and caught a lock with his eyes. Mr reeves.
He had been watching us pick at the toys this whole time. My stomach dropped knowing my teacher had seen me with these objects, and then again wondering why he was even in here in the first place. I debated whether to approach him or sink in the ground, but only one was possible, however i turned back around and told Matthew to go pay for our beanies at the front. Before i could even say a word he had already beat me to it.
"Bit odd to see you here, Miss Rye." His stare was so intense and it made my whole face turn red.
    "I could say the same to you Sir," I oddly laughed and replied. "How do you always seem to find me in the stores hm? Got a camera one me?" I teased him.
    "I in fact do, Annabelle, right there sitting on your nightstand." I knew it was a joke but I still felt a bit uncomfortable. "I should be getting back to my date now Sir, I'll see you in class." I gave him an awkward smile.
    "Date?" His eyes seemed to darken a whole shade and his hand turned into a fist. I replied yes and he shook his head and laughed, but then said bye afterwards.
    I walked back to Matthew and he asked if i was ready to go. I said yes but not before turning around one last time and giving my teacher a stare, watching him walk out the store with a vibrator he just purchased. My mouth nearly dropped and my whole body buzzed. I snapped myself out of it and returned to my cute, age appropriate, legal date.

a/n: hi all :) very sorry for the late update again, been going through a hard time. the chapters are boring now but i promise they will get better. thank you!

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