{It Must've Been Another Lie}

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(so I'm placing the love suite events after chapter 4, I apologize for anything I get wrong I don't remember all the details I used to. Also I didn't add the Monokubs (unless I forgot I did) and I know I don't indent paragraphs, hut pleas point out any grammer errors other than that so I can fix it asap)

Third POV

Shuichi sat at his desk, far too many thoughts going through his head to count. Did Kokichi really like him that way...? No, of course not, Kokichi was a liar, and that was just a part of his deceiving act. He refused to believe Kokichi could like him that way if he refused to seemingly actually make friends with anyone else. Not that they should be making friends in a game where you're supposed to kill one another, yet Shuichi supposed he'd made friends with a few of them..but maybe that was the mastermind's whole plan after all, building them up just to drag them down further. Just like what happened with the death road of despair.
Meanwhile, Kokichi had plans of his own, he was almost certain he knew how to stop this horrible game. If only he had more evidence on who the mastermind actually was. He looked at his wall, the names and photos of the remaining students along with what he thought of them held up on it with tacks. Shuichi...supposedly trustworthy. To think he'd almost admitted it, almost broke this facade that he'd been keeping up for so long now. Good thing he saved it last minute, you know. It could've ruined everything he'd been working to get to since the beginning, yet somehow he still felt compelled to tell Shuichi the truth...I mean, if you looked in his desk, tons more small letters and notes then the stacks of paper around his room, some of them ideas, some of them letters he would never send...Most of them addressed to Shuichi. God, how could he have almost let something as simple as a crush hold him back when he'd been through so many harder things? Kokichi sighed, leaning back in his chair and flicked the pen back in forth, holding it in between his fingers. He clicked the bottom, closing it before putting it down on his desk. Kokichi walked over to the door, he supposed it'd be a good time to at least spend some freetime with Shuichi, well at least good for his sanity, as long as he didn't make another slip up it'd be fine right? And if he did he would simply cover it up with another lie. That's how it'd always been after all.
About ten minutes of long hard thinking had gone by when Shuichi heard a knock on his door, and an obnoxious one at that. He wasn't even sure how a knock could be quote unquote "obnoxious" but he went with his assumptions anyways, there was only one remaining person that energetic. Unless Kiibo had for some reason gotten an extra jolt of energy, but that was very unlikely. Maybe Himiko, but that was also unlikely due to her usually nonchalant attitude, unless someone had upset her. Shuichi got up, turning the silver doorknob and opening it. He positioned his head to look slightly downward. "Hey Shumai!! Ya miss me?" Surprise surprise, Kokichi Ouma, just as Shuichi had thought. "Uh-" he started, but Kokichi quickly cut him off "You don't need'a answer, I know you did!" Kokichi smiled widely, putting his hands behind his head. Shuichi looked at him nervously. "Why...are you here..?" Shuichi asked, knowing questions were somewhat useless if asking Kokichi. "Why?! Do you not want me here?! So mean!!" He said, tearing up, before quickly smiling again. "Annnyways, wanna spend some freetime with me?!?! I wanna play hide in seek!" He had a determined look on his face. "Um...sure." Shuichi replied, despite not liking him too much...he still wanted to get to know him and see why he was..well how he was, you know.

Word count: 670

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