{Too Late. Epilogue}

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[TW: mentions of suicide]
Third POV

Shuichi woke up somewhere different, it was a large, white room, with multiple pod like structures. He sat up, looking around, he was able to spot Kaito also sitting up, and Kiibo seemingly shut off in a corner of the room..when he stood up to look around some more, he eventually spotted Kokichi, as much as he wanted to hug him, to say he loved him, he couldn't. He couldn't bring himself to. Not with the guilt of knowing he played a part it his death. It seems Kokichi had similar feelings, he couldn't bear to see Shuichi after what he had written, after what he had done. So, he just turned, he turned and ran, he didn't know where he was going and he didn't need to know. He just needed to get away. As much as Shuichi wanted to run after him, to reach out and call out his name, he couldn't move, he wouldn't realize how much he wished he would've later.

It'd been so long since then, Shuichi had thrown it in the past, three days and six months ago...that was...until..Shuichi was looking through some old boxes, he'e found quite a few things, but the only thing that stuck out..was the photograph. He picked it up carefully. He hadn't thought about the purple haired male in what seemed like forever, yet as soon as he saw that picture, he had so much to say. He quickly stood up, turning on his computer and looking up the familiar name desperately. He figured there must've been something on what happened after they participated in the oh so popular 53rd danganronpa game. After searching for awhile and getting mixed information, he came across a certain website titles "v3's aftermath" updated just last year. It seemed to know the status of everyone who participated in the 53rd killing game, even himself, and of course it stated everyone was alive, most of them doing well. It seems like whoever made the website may have interviewed some of his former "classmates", he obviously wasn't one of them..well..then he came across Kokichi's name..
Name: Kokichi Ouma
Status: 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘥

Shuichi had to read it multiple times before continuing, there must've been some mistake her, right..? It was only when he read the 𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 of death he realized there was no mistaking this.


Was this his fault..? He just wanted to see Kokichi again, to be able to talk to him once more, but no matter how many more sources he looked through, he knew the truth. It was far too late for that.

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