{Hide & Seek}

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Third POV

Kokichi took his hand and tugged eagerly, hinting for him to follow. "Great!!! Let's play hide and seek!!" He beamed, god Kokichi was just so..childish, it almost made Shuichi want to blush...or maybe he was blushing—no, that couldn't have been the case. "Oh.....aren't we a bit old for that..?" He asked, not wanting to sound rude. "Don't insult me Saihara~Chan, of course not!!" Shuichi hesitantly followed him. Once they were...well there equivalent of what "outside" was, Kokichi loosened his tight grip on Shuichi's hand before letting go and turning to face him. "Ok, count to 60, we can hide anywhere..but preferably inside!" He smiled, turning back around and skipping off, presumably to his hiding place. Shuichi stared for a minute, before hesitantly putting his hands over his eyes loosely and starting to count. "1....2....3....."
"Ready or not...here I come..." Shuichi said, definitely too quiet for anyone who wasn't within 10 feet of him to hear. Shuichi walked back towards the building, slowly looking around, god, he could be hiding 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 in here...Shuichi sighed, too bad it was too late to back out of this.
"Found you..." Shuichi said tiredly, by the time he'd found kokichi who was hiding in the art room behind some aisles...or whatever they were called again, it was nighttime. Monokuma had just started to give the announcement. "Neeheehee! Guess I'll have to hide better next time!" Shuichi sighed heavily when Kokichi said this, "Well it's nighttime now...you should get heading back to your room." Shuichi said. "Awww but Shumai—" Shuichi cut him off. "No buts...we shouldn't stay out past the nighttime announcement, it's dangerous." Shuichi motioned for him to come out. "Fiiinneee.." Kokichi whined, heading back to his room before Shuichi had even started walking to his own.
Kokichi sat on his bed, resting his head on his hands, deep in thought. God...how he wanted to tell Shuichi how he felt, how he just wanted them all to escape together and live peacefully...but sadly, that's not how things are. He knew what to do, he was able to figure out how the mastermind got away with killing Rantaro...his plan was risky, but surely it would work. Kokichi looked at the cardboard cutout he had of Rantaro that hung right behind him and frowned. Rantaro was almost like a brother to him, one of the only ones who seemed to see through his act and put up with him. But now wasn't the time to stall..he should at least try to sleep, maybe it'd make him feel a bit better.
Shuichi looked around the huge garden, flowers painting the world around him bright colors. He felt almost overwhelmed by the beauty...then...the sky flashed to grey, the flowers withering...color completely drained from the world around him. He looked around...before easily spotting the only noticeable thing with color...dark purple..."Kokichi...?" Shuichi said, stunned and scared of whatever was going on. "Yes, Shumai..?" He smiled..Then his whole figure glitched out...the only thing left, a trial of brightly colored pink liquid and dark red roses. Shuichi was horrified, backing up, he wanted to scream but couldn't find the right words. Who would even hear him..? Nothing but grey and withering flowers for god knows how long now..Just then, he started falling backwards, he braced for impact, but didn't hit the ground. He was falling endlessly, into the black void with nothing but his thoughts and a feeling that made his stomach twist.
Then..he woke up, the cold dark silence filling his mind. What would fuel such a nightmare..? Why only Kokichi...and not Kaito, or Kiibo, or Maki?? Why was he the 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 one there, standing alone with Kokichi? And why...why did that happen..? Did he..die..? No, he refused to let such a thing happen to Kokichi. Whenever he thought of him his heart raced, and his face felt hot...he couldn't..or didn't want to name it, but he didn't want it to go away...

Word count: 689

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