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Shiro POV

As I laid on the table,  Regeris pushed some buttons, and I saw the machinery start to activate. The wires glowed, in a way, and Keith started squirming. His eyes were squeezed shut, and he looked like he might be in pain. But then he calmed, and smiled softly. I sat up and  turned to Kolivan. "Why isn't anything happening to me?" I asked. "It's possible that he was only put into your life when you first remember him. You might never had contact with his mother or any other Blade tech." "What about Keith?" I asked, turning to look at him. He was completely still, with a small smile on his face. "His mother most likely used it on him when he was very young, that way he wouldn't remember her. Its also possible that if there were any traumatic events in his childhood, the EME blocked it as well, either hiding them or fabricating new ones." I nodded  silently and continued looking at Keith. So it was true. We really weren't brothers. But I had to care for him like one. We may not be blood, but we're still family. And family sticks together.

All of a sudden, Keith went from softly smiling to withering in pain, and starting to whimper. "Mmm- no! Dad! Don't- no! Dad?" "What's happening?" I asked frantically, rushing to Keith's side. "His mind is reliving his forgotten memories. They must be painful for him to be reacting this way." Keith continued shaking and whimpering, like a dog, small, unintelligible noises. "Sh-Shiro. Shiro! Adam! James! James, James. No no no." He cried, squirming. Then, a big BOOM sounded, and the base shook. "Regeris, what was that?" Kolivan asked. "Um, the Red lion is attacking, sir." Regeris said, turning to the screen and pulling up security footage. Kolivan turned to me. "Call off your beast." He ordered. "I can't. It's Keith's lion. It senses that he's in trouble." I explained. "If you take him out of it,  then he can call her off." "No! Doing that could cause irreparable damage! It could cause not only mental, but physical damage as well. We must keep him nuder until the process is complete." Regeris insisted. "But James and Adam weren't part of his childhood. He met them when he was a teen." "Sometimes the equipment causes them to relive other parts of their life as well. But they're instantaneous. He'll be out of it in a few seconds." Another BOOM shook the base, and I could hear the lion roar. "We may not have a few minutes." I answered. The base shook again, and another Blade came running in. "Sir, the Red lion has breached the wall! It's trying to get to the paladin!" They said, obviously distressed. Klovan turned to look at Regeris. "Regeris, how much longer until he comes out?" He opened his mouth to respond at the same moment the Keith shot straight (haha not) up, panting and sweating. 

"Keith! Oh thank god!" I said, wrapping my arms around him. "Shi-Shiro, I saw it. He-he died. Shiro he died! In a fire! A FIRE!" He muttered into my shoulder. "Red has fire power. red has fire power. This is some fucked up universe." I pulled back ."Yes, yes it is. Speaking of Red, she's attacking the base." His eyes widened. "She's WHAT? Why?" "Because kit, you were distressed. Your lion sensed that, and assumed you were in danger, so she came to protect you. Now call her off." Kolivan ordered. Keith nodded, and tried to stand, but fell. "Whoa there buddy. You're still pretty banged up." I said, putting his arm over my shoulders. "Come on, let's go get Red." Together, we made our way to the hangar, where Red was currently trying to break through. "Red! RED! I'M OKAY!" Keith yelled, and the lion stopped. She quickly flew to our side and opened her jaw to let us in. "Kolivan, would you like to come with us?" I asked. "I'm sure the Princess would like to meet you." He nodded. "Yes, that seems most important. Perhaps I can also help explain why Keith is so banged up. And we can discuss how we might do joint missions." Then he turned to one of the agents. "Antok, you're in charge while I'm gone. Regeris will help you." "Yes sir." They answered, and Kolivan nodded. "Good. I'm ready to go when you are paladins."

We got into Red, and once we got Keith situated in the lion, she purred. Keith petted her dashboard. "Good kitty. Let's go." We started the trek back to the Castle in complete silence. When we got there, the others rushed to the lion. "What the hell happened in there? Is Keith okay?" Lance asked through the comms, sounding worried. I helped Keith up and responded. "He'll be fine. But we have someone we think you'd like to meet Princess." Red let her jaw down, and me, Keith and Kolivan exited the lion. The other's gasped when they saw Keith's state. "What did you guys do? What did you do to him?" Lance asked, rushing to our side. I was surprised. Lance seemed to be genuinely worried about Keith. "He underwent the Trial of Marmora." Kolivan said. all of their heads turned to him. "And who are you, might I ask?" Allura asked, crossing her arms. Kolivan's eyes widened and he kneeled. "So the rumors are true. It is good to see you alive princess." He said, then stood. "I am Kolivan, leader of the Blade of Marmora." "Well, uh, first of all, hi." Hunk said, waving. "Second, what are the Trials of Marmora?" "The Trials are a series of test to see if one is worthy of joining the Blade's ranks. And, the only way to attain knowledge. The Garla's motto is "Victory or Death." The Blade's is "Knowledge or Death." We must put the mission above all else, even ourselves." Allura pursed her lips. "I don't particularly like that. Nevertheless, it's nice to meet you." She said, extending her hand. Kolivan shook it, with a nod of approval. "I'd like to continue our talks later, if thats alright with you. Keith is going to need a healing pod." "Well no duh! He looks like he was beat to death! what the hell did you do to him?" Lance asked, starting to look mad. "This was my choice Lance. I had to do this." Keith answered. "What? Why?" Pidge asked. Kolivan turned to us. "Should you tell them, or should I?" "Tell us what? Shiro, Keith, what's going on?" Coran asked, and Keith sighed. "Well, uh, guys, I just found out that I, well, this might be hard for you, but

I'm Galra.

Or at least, half Galra. Apparently my mom was. And I don't look like it cause human genes of something. So, yeah." Keith finished. Then his eyes rolled back in his head and he started to fall, but me and Lance caught him. Pidge and Hunk were staring in shock, Coran had a thinking look on his face, and Allura looked furious. Like she wanted to kill both Kolivan AND Keith. Lance however, just looked worried. "Keith is one of Them?" Allura said bitterly. I glared at her. "Hey, he's still Keith. And are you really gonna do that to him?" "Yeah, he's still a paladin. And our friend. He's saved our lives and that of countless others already, and we've only been here for a few weeks. So either help us get him to the pod, or step aside." Lance said, with surprising aggressiveness. "Yes yes, lets get him into a pod." Coran said, rushing over. He helped me and Lance get Keith to the pods and sealed up. "Now, he should be fine in just a quintant or two. Now, let's go find the Princess. We don't want her killing one of our potential allies." Me and Lance nodded, and together the three of us ran to the bridge.

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