Study Buddies {16}

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Madison's pov

*After School*

I asked Dad if I could have a friend over & he said sure. That friend was Jake. We were going to hang out & finish our geometry homework. Adriana, Jake & I were on the bus laughing & talking.

"Guys give me your numbers so we can text & call each other." Jake said pulling out his phone.

I gave mine to Jake who gave his to Adriana & Adriana gave me hers. After we put in our numbers, the bus came to my stop.

"Bye Adriana." Jake & I said as we got off the bus.

Trevor came up to Jake & I as we walked around the corner towards our house.

"So, Maddie who's he?" Trevor said with a slight smirk.

"This is Jake. My friend. And only a friend." I emphasized friend so Trevor doesn't think I have a crush on him, which I totally do.

Jake looked hurt for a second but then smiled again. Wierd.

We walked into the house & saw Kian & Ricky on the couch playing Mario Kart. Trevor sat down beside them while Jake followed me up to my room.

"Let's hang out in the backyard. We can do our homework later."I told him after putting away my bag.

"Ooo, rebel Maddie. I like." He joked as we went back downstairs.

We went out the sliding door & sat on the grass. We laid on the grass just talking about random stuff. I noticed he looked a bit sad & it was kinda bothering me.

"Jake is something wrong?" I asked him.

"Nah, I'm fine." He said but I knew he was lying.

"Jake, follow me." I said after taking off my boots & socks which Jake did the same.

I walked over to the pool & sat down on the edge, dipping my feet in. I motioned for Jake to sit beside me.

"Can you please tell me what's wrong?" I practically begged him.

"You're not gonna wanna be my friend anymore if I do." He said looking at our feet in the water.

"Please, I promise I'll still be your friend." I said putting my right hand in the air & left hand on my chest.

"Okay, although I only met you today, I feel different around you. A good kind of different. Like I don't have to pretend around you. Today, in 6th block I found out that I like you. More than a friend. But when you told your brother that I was your friend, I felt that I'd have less of a chance with you." He said sighing.

"Jake, I only told him that so he wouldn't embrass me in front you. I like you too. More than a friend." I said moving my hand closer to his.

He turned to me & had a huge grin on his face. He grabbed my waist & pulled me closer to him. He started to lean in & so did I. Soon enough our lips connected & I had my arms around his neck. I was having my first actual kiss. Not a forced one. I felt fireworks. We were interrupted by someone.

"Ew, PDA guys. Get a room." I heard Jc say.

We quickly pulled away from each other & saw Jc and Sam in the water. Sam had his phone out,filming us.

"Omg, Sam stop. How long were you guys there?" I asked hiding my face in my hands.

"As soon as you two started to suck each others face off." Sam said smirking.

"Oh my God." I said as felt heat rising to my cheeks.

"Let's go somewhere else." Jake said giving me my boots & socks.

"USE PROTECTION, CHILDREN!" Jc shouted before we went inside.

"I'm sorry. They're crazy." I said after putting my socks on but putting my boots near the door.

"Can you show me around?" Jake asked.

"Sure, let's start upstairs." I said jogging upstairs.

I showed him from the front of the hall all the way down to the end of the  hall, where dad was.

"This is my dad's room. Hi,dad this is Jake." I said as Dad turned from his computer to face us.

"Oh, Hai." Dad said, after turning his attention to his computer again.

We went downstairs & I noticed a room I never saw before. I really need to be more observant. We walked to that room & it was a music room. With guitars & instruments.

"Cool. Wanna sing for me?" Jake said smirking.

"No, I suck." I said looking at the guitars.

"Please?" He says, do a puppy dog face

"Maybe after we finish our homework." I say, considering it.

"Okay, let's go!" He said running upstairs to my room holding my hand.


Third update today. I might do a fourth, only if you want

Which sounds better?  #Make or #Jaddie?? Comment which one down in the comments

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