Chapter 4: Jake

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The rain suddenly becomes heavier.

It's like it's weighing me down and I hate it. Rain was something that washed all my fears and emotions away. It lashed down on me , washing away my demons. Purifying them.Now, this weight is something I cannot carry. Something I cannot hold. I don't have control of it.I don't have control of anything.

It's like everything is spiralling around me.


I am standing in the eye of the storm and I'm afraid that I'll be swept away with it. I can feel the thunder flowing through my veins.

I am angry, angry on Freya, angry on how she left me when I needed her the most. But deep down I know it's not her fault.

It's all mine.

Its all gone.

Suddenly I see an absurd pathway in the middle of nowhere. It interrupts my thoughts and my curiosity rises. Walking further I find a staircase; a very narrow one.

I just plan to take it, not minding wherever it will lead me to. Who cares at this point.

When I reach the top, I see something which I honestly did not expect at all. Thousands of stars talking to me. Guiding me away from my fear of the dark. I wish I could follow the pathway; leaded by the stars and leave this world for good.

I take a good look at the view before me and let it all slowly settle in. It's so quiet and peaceful almost if I have reached heaven. Again if heaven even exists, I won't be surprised if there was only hell.

And then what I notice next slightly shocks me.

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