Chapter 6: Jake

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That's when I notice a really tiny girl , coming from behind what seemed like a pile of bricks. She is a brunette with dark green eyes, her overall clothing isn't anything different from mine. A hoodie and earplugs and some random sweatpants.

It starts getting really awkward. We stare at each other, and no one speaks. 

I try to say something, but words don't form inside my mouth. 

So I sit. 

I sit on the ledge facing the world, and surprisingly she comes and sits a few feet beside be. 

About half an hour later we are still sitting there, staring at the world which seemingly stopped. I turn aside and plan to say something, I had been practicing for the last few minutes. 



Her voice,  mixes with the sound of breeze and brushing of bushes. I regret saying that because I cant find anything to topic about but thankfully she says something more. 

"So, do you come here often?"

"No, I just found this place, you?"


Her eyes look like she is in pain, they resemble mine,  I can see her trying to hide all those feelings behind them, Its like I can see through her. Not even been a while before I start to try and read her. 

I can easily figure that none of us likes to talk, so I plug in my earphones, listening to some music, I look at her and she does the same too. 

Slowly, I feel my weakness take over me and I drift off to slumber, regretting every decision I made, and regretting my birth. Regretting, how I dared to live. And scared by what I would see tomorrow. All my thoughts blur, and I am asleep. 

I wake up to the feel of a soft ray of sunshine hitting my face, I rub my eyes, and look at the sunrise. Its mesmerizing, especially from here. I sit there enjoying the warmth of the sun for a while, recovering from the cold night. 

When I look, around the girl seems to have left, not thinking much, I plan to leave too. 

As I get ready to enter my world again, the one with darkness,  the pain of loss, ad constant regret, I make my way back towards my home. And lets say I wasn't ready for the shock I got that morning. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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