Part 3

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When I reached the apartment, mum wasn't there. I sat on the with my wet dress, feeling really exhausted and exasperated from the fact that mum wasn't there and that clearly meant 'no good'.

"Ugh,"I groaned.

I rubbed my knuckles with my forehead, feeling uncomfortable in my wet dress. Suddenly, the bell rang.

"I am literally about to lose my rag now," I groaned even louder.

I walked to the door with heavy steps expecting that person to be my mom or my idiotic brother, Cameron.

Oooh. Look who's here.(sarcastic)
Ugh. You've got to be literally kidding me.
He's hot though.

"Hello there," I smiled sarcastically, yet nervously. Nervous? " The one who dropped probably the most wanted drink in this entire world on me."

"Hey," he casually said. "I didn't expect you to see you here," he said leaning against the door.

"Actually I didn't expect you to be here because it is my apartment," I rather said calmly.

"By the way, its Chase." He placed his hand forward.

"Vanessa." I shook my hand with his.

"So what are you doing-"

I was cut off by my brother, Cameron who was entering the apartment," He is my friend Chase."

"Isn't he too elder to you to be your "friend"?" I air quoted the word.

"Yeah! But he is. Still better than your Halloween costume from last year." He said in a sing song manner.

"That doesn't make any sense whatever you are saying." I said getting irritated.

" Because I am not an expert in making song lyrics 'cause I ain't no Bart Baker, baby."

Whatever he says doesn't make sense but I somehow love him.

"So, whats it with your dress?" Cam asked.

Chase bursted into laughter including me for some reason.

" Dude, remember I told you I dropped coffee on some beautiful chick? Its her. Your sister."

Cameron bursted into laughter. "Why are you laughing you sucker?" I squealed.

"Beautiful chick? And you? I don't know what is wrong with people these days. See I told ya' bro, you should go for an eye checkup." He said as if I was invisible or something. They both walked past me, still laughing.

" I knew you were trouble when you walked in. Now I am standing on the cold hard ground with a wet dress. Trouble Trouble." I sang way too loudly and they kept laughing till they closed the door behind them.

My brother is a mess. Literally he makes me bipolar.

But Chase, he looked really handsome though. Thank god. My brother at least have standards now. Last time he brought his friend who reached his wrath in just matter of seconds. He literally slapped my brother that day. And one time he brought a friend who thought "Nando's" was the best place on earth 'cause Niall Horan likes it.
He dragged my brother every Friday there. He dragged me too there. Then my brother got to know that he was gay when his friend said " I love you cinnamon bear," and my brother literally died after that. His gay friend thought he smells like 'Cinnamon'. But the truth is he was a douche bag with loads and loads of stinking garbage in it.

I laugh at those horrendous memories while entering my room.

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