Chapter 1

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In this world, things are complicated and are decided by many factors. We should look at problems from different aspects, not from just one.

A weary father lets his two-year-old son climb onto his lap. The end of an exhausting day. Nearly bedtime, let 'In The Night Garden' cast its spell. The bundle of energy on his lap finally stops wriggling. Limbs relaxing, breathing slowly. Dad rests his eyes and feels himself sinking into the sofa. He pours himself a well-earned glass of wine. All is calm.

One by one, the colourful comforting creatures of the Night Garden go to sleep. Finally, the sun sets, the stars glimmer in the blue-black sky, and Igglepiggle drifts away in his bedtime boat.

Flick of a switch and the glaring stage lights blaze back into life. 'That's a wrap, everybody.' Igglepiggle stumbles off to his subterranean dressing-room, damp and smelling of cheese and onion crisps. He looks up to the spy camera in the far corner of the ceiling, winking its red light. 'We're done, right? 100 episodes. That's enough you say?' The light in the camera grows brighter and then flashes, 1- 2- 3 times. The signal for 'yes'. 'I've been waiting to see that for a long time!' smirks Igglepiggle to himself as he slumps into his chair and pours an oversized whisky.

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