Chapter 15 ~ The Last Letter

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(WARNING: if you don't ship Eggs x Spaghetti (Micheal x Ennard) then I don't think this'll be a good chapter for you)...

Micheal's POV:
"Ugh, stop moving Burnt Spaghetti!" I said.
"nO!" Replied the Spaghetti.
"I love you very much, but that doesn't mean you can take advantage of that-" I quickly said.
"Aww, I love you too Eggs~" Ennard replied.
I then started blushing.
A letter then fell in front of me.
"What a way to ruin the moment.." said Ennard quietly.
I then chuckled and picked up the note.
Dear Eggs Benedict I mean Micheal Afton-
Ennard laughed uncontrollably at this.
Me on the other hand was a little furious ;w;...
This letter you're reading is to tell you to hide that rotting skin, don't make Ennard come out, and stay human like ;-;. You may be wondering: why are you saying this? Well, you're going to meet people, and ya don't wanna get caught, right? So I suggest that you hide all of that stuff. When you're ready, walk to the library that is the closest to you and wait. Hope to see you there Mike.
       Sincerely, The Author. (INSERT LENNY FACE hehehHEHEHEhHEHehEHHE).
"Ennard, you got this?" I asked.
"Sure, I guess.." he replied.
"Good!" I said happily.
I then got ready and headed out the door to the closest library.
When I was there I saw a black/shadow figure.
It told me to follow them.
I did and then I appeared to a house I thought that looked familiar...
I looked around to see... mom..?

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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