Chapter Five

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I need to take a walk. The image of Nayeon lying dead on the floor is stuck in my head.

Walks usually clear my mind.

We used to go on walks together whenever we got into an arguement. I always apologized first even though she started the argument..

I could use a walk right now...

I grab my coat as I exit the house, shutting the door behind me.

I begin to walk down the sidewalk. I pass multiple people who are either walking for excercise or walking to go somewhere.

None of them seem like they are walking to clear their mind...

As I continue to walk down the sidewalk, I spot a familiar figure standing by a library. To be more specific, the library she enjoyed going to.

"Y/n!" The person yells. They wave at me with a smile and begin to jog over to me. As they get closer, their face becomes clearer.

"Hey Jin, what are you doing here?" I asked, taking a glance at the library.

"I was just taking a walk to clear my mind. I still can't believe she's gone..." I nod softly as his words as my gaze shifts to my feet.

"You wanna go inside? This was her favorite library.." I said, pointing to the building.

"I know. I came here with her once. She kept talking about this book." He chuckles softly and places his hands in his pockets.

"She's such a dork.." he mumbled.

I heard him loud and clear but I decide to brush it off.

"So do you want to go in or not?" I asked, slipping my hand into my pocket.

"Yeah sure." He smiles softly as we make our way into the library.

This place brings back memories...

We make our way towards the fiction section since Nayeon liked fiction books..

"We used to come here and read all day together. It was nice..." He said, scanning at the different books.

I glance at him with a bit of anger before replying with a small hum.

"Ah, I remember now.. her favorite book was this Harry Potter book.." Jin said, taking a book off the shelf.

"Harry Potter?" I asked, staring at the book in confusion.

She told me she hated that book....

"Yeah. She wouldn't stop talking about it." Jin said with a chuckle.

"Are you sure this is the right book? She told me she hate Harry Potter." I said, raising an eyebrow at Jin.

"I'm positive. You really don't know a lot about your girlfriend huh?" Jin said with a small chuckle.

What the hell did he just say??

"What??" I asked glaring at him harshly. "And you know more about her than me huh?"

"N-No I didn't mean it like that" He exclaimed. "Don't take it the wrong way."

I scoff at him as I exit the fiction section.

It seems like Jin and Nayeon were closer than I thought...

"Y/n why are you upset?" Jin asked grabbing shoulder and stopping me.

"So what if I'm upset? I have the right to be.." I said, slipping my hands into my pocket.

"Just because I knew Nayeon's favorite book an you didn't? That's why your upset?" Jin asked.

"That's not the reason why I'm upset.." I I sigh softly.

"What is it then??" He asked, crossing his arms.

"Were you and Nayeon close?" I raise an eyebrow at him as I await his answer. He drops his gaze to his feet which immediately causes me to know his answer. "How close were you two?"

"Y/n come on.. I don't want to talk about that-"

"How close were you two? Answer me?" I asked, raising my voice a little.

"We used to date....." he said, slipping his hands into his pockets.

"Wait...... What???" I said in confusion.

They used to date?!? Nayeon told me that I was her first boyfriend.

She told me I was her first love....

"I think you should know now that she's gone.." He sighs softly and places his hands into his pockets.

"Seriously? Why would you keep that a secret?!" I yelled, drawing attention to myself.

"It's not a big deal. We broke up years ago." He said, glancing at the people staring at us.

"That's not a big deal!? Seriously??" I exclaimed. I ran my hand through my hair out of frustration.

"She broke up with me after we got into an arguement." He said, dropping his gaze to the floor.

I stare at him in disbelief as the words leave his mouth.

"You still have feelings for her right?" I asked, keeping my gaze locked on him.

"W-What? No! W-Why would you  think that-"

"Stop lying Jin. I know you do." I exclaimed, cutting him off. "They way you talk about her says that you still do."

He sighs and nods his head softly.

"Yeah.. I still do. I've been in pain since she started to date you. When you proposed I felt even worse, and when she died I-" He cuts himself of by biting his lip.

I scoff at him as he wipes a tear from his eye.

"There is something else you need to know as well.." He said, sniffling softly.

What is it now.......

"What..." I said rolling my eyes out of annoyance...

"We kissed the day before she died..."

"W-What? Your joking right?"

"She told me not to tell you. I'm sorry Y/n...."

"Tell me this is a joke right now Jin. Tell me that your joking..."

"I'm not..... "

"I need to go..."

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