the bottom of the bikini

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It was a normal day for spongebob. He got up, took a shit through his many holes and ate Gary's ass for breakfast. Then he went outside for a nice inhale of hydrogen and two oxygen combined because he's an intellectual. All of the sudden he spotted a big ass booger coming his way. But it was screaming about being ditched by his main bitch because she found out about his side hoe. Sponge Bob licked his non existent lips because the booger's asshole had fluids raging out of it. So Sponge Bob decided to SUCC the fluid to bring the booger man closer to his sticky grasp.

as soon as the booger man was brought closer to the bottom of the bikini,spongebob realized that he was FUCKING DEAD and this had sponge Bob shooketh. He thought the booger man was sexy af, so he murdered Sandy for her air bubble thing and slapped it on the booger man. in seconds he woke up exhausted and said "hey sexy,you look hotter than the fire that comes out of my ass when i fart, btw I'm shrek" spongebob replied, "I'm spongebob and you look like a fucking booger." this made sponge Bob very hard, so he took shrek to his bedroom and slammed the door shut.

(Vote or peppa pig will eat you alive)

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