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Sorry it's been a while I've had writers block for a while it's really late and I just got in the mood to do another chapter remember I'm writing as I go so I'm Littlery just coming up for what to type. I changed something😜✌️

No ones POV:
As the sun was rising Izuku wakes up early slightly worried if things will stay the same or not as Izuku finishes doing his daily routine he goes down stairs to eat breakfast as usual but sees no one their, Thinking nothing of it (Izuku)goes into the fridge to see if he can eat a snack for breakfast after a few minutes of searching" Izuku hears footsteps coming towards him........

Izuku s POV:
As I hear footsteps coming towards me I turn around to see my father staring at me with a disgusted look on his face me noticing how he looks upset I say"papa? Are u ok?
After asking if he was ok he starts coming towards me thinking nothing of it I look at him with a bit of concern in my eyes then unexpectedly,.................. SLAP!!!!

My eyes tearing up I look at my father only to hear him shouting at me for being quirckless and useless as he says that I start to burst in tears/Apparently that just made him more upset so he grabs me by the choker of my shirt and throws me to the ground crying in pain cause I had hit my head on the side of the table I see my mom in the corner with the look of disappointment in her eyes I hear my father telling me to stop crying...

No ones POV:
The whole day was spent with Izuku getting hurt by his father as his mother just stood by practice enjoying seeing her "Son" in pain.

After that day everything was silent in the Midorya household the parents enjoying their dinner as their son was in his room holding back his tears.....

The next day'''

Izuku s POV:
I knew I had school the next day so I hid my scars I received from the ones I call "parents" I decided I'd go to school acting like everything was normal hoping my best friend kachann wouldn't act the same way my parents did/Oh how I was sooo wrong""

Bakuhoes POV:
I was waiting for my friend Izuku to come to school to see what his quirk would be even tho I know it won't be as good as mine"🙄
Once the nerd got here he came to me with a concerned look on his face wondering what was wrong I asked him what his quirk was only to discover that he was....... (Quirckless)I was shocked and disappointed I can't be friends with a-a a A-A DEKU!!!! I pushed the nerd to the ground and shouted at him calling him a useless deku after yelling that out some others can and joined me after beating him to a pulp we left chuckling to ourselves.

Izuku s POV:
To say I was shocked was an understatement I was furious disappointed and sad my best friend turned on me the same way my parents did their I lay with no tears coming out of my face just an Emotionless child I felt nothing no Sadness no malice I wasn't there surprised after some time past and by time I mean days, weeks, and a few months, It was yet another disappointing day I thought as I did my morning routine as time passed by I grew emotionless my eyes no longer held a bright emerald green my hair that once shined a mossy green in light was not a bit darker while my eyes held no emotion just the color of almost black but green eyes"after getting dress I slowly tip toed out the door trying my best to avoid any beatings form my so called" parents"

After successfully avoiding danger I set off to hel-i mean school.......... Few minutes later I arrived at school slowly walking towards my locker avoiding the states and constant whispers from the annoying flies or as you call them students I make it to my locker only to be thrown into the locker by none other than Bakugou KatSuki""
I was annoyed and tired so me being me I say"What do u want Bakugou?

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