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Previously: As I curl up into a ball position, I shut my eyes, and fall into a calming dark abyss.

Idk POV:

Waking up from my alarm I turn it off and do my usual morning routine, except since theirs no school today I can have a break,Yay.
  After taking a shower I dress into this with my skateboard I made, --------

   After taking a shower I dress into this with my skateboard I made, --------

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(I edit the logo to go with it so just imagine the green flames

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(I edit the logo to go with it so just imagine the green flames. Matching color as the logo)

After I finish up I grab my skateboard and head out the window, Thinking on where I should go first I decide to go to Starbucks and get a coffee, cause well.... I need coffee if Amma stay awake I don't really sleep much sooo yea.

After making it to the coffee shop I go in and head over to the order station or something

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After making it to the coffee shop I go in and head over to the order station or something.
Worker: Hello what can I get u?
D: Can I get a Caramel Frappuccino-Grande plz?
Worker: ofcourse wait here plz.
As I wait for them to get my order I get the money I'll need for it, since I'm sorta a regular I know the price.
Worker: Ok here u go, That'll be $4.45.
D: Taking my drink, I give them the amount they asked and say thx.
Leaving the Cafe, with my drink I ride my skateboard while listening to music, and sipping my coffee, Deciding to head back home I go back the direction I came from..
After getting their I go in through the front door and OFCOURSE  am met with inko and Hasashi, Ummm yes? I ask.
Inko: Were kicking u out so pack your stuff and wait in the car.
Way tah be blunt.... Wai-What!!??i shout out. I'm littlery only 10!!(idk I wanted him to be at the isle for a while so sorry for the age confusion)
Hasashi: Don't raise your voice at your mother, And hurry up and pack./He states sternly.
D: Fine! oh and you're NOT my mother!! In fact!! I don't have A "mother" nor father/I say so Emotionalisly and harsh, That they both flinch in surprise.
Walking upstairs to my used to be room, I start packing all my important stuff, Like my clothes, Cleaning supplies, Items, An ect...
Existing my ex-room I go outside and enter the car, playing music and staring out the window as they drive me to wherever"

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