Chapter 2: Elise

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Dedicated to @beccadavis for saying please.

"Harley Strong," Mrs. Alvez calls in her thick spanish accent.

I gasp and turn around becoming instantly upset and surprised over hearing the name. There's no way it's my Harley. I hear her call the name again and see the girl from earlier raise her hand quietly saying "here". I contain my gasp and stare at her intensely and immediately blush looking away.

No that can't be my Harley. She's so tall and handsome. I think to myself but times have changed, I wouldn't have had a clue. I bite my lip and continue looking at her. She has short curly black hair now not the long curly mess we had as children, black hoops now adorn her ears and once our eyes meet I know instantly it is Harley . Those blue eyes even though more aged now, I know now my Harley has come home. I shake the later thought and become angry again remembering what she did and how long it's been. I quickly turn around and pay attention to the presentation. Even though my mother is Spanish and I learned as a child, I technically still need to take a language so it was an easy choice.

I think back to the day she left and feel my eyes water, I ask to be excused and quickly run to the bathroom allowing myself to cry as soon as the door closes. A few moments later I hear the door open and to my surprise I see Harley. She looks down sheepishly and before I know it I'm pounding on her chest crying and she just lets me. I keep going until my arms give out and just sadly grip on to her shirt probably ruining it in the process but she doesn't seem to care. She wraps her arms around me tightly and in this moment I notice just how much she's changed, her once flat and slightly bloated body is now tight and rock hard. Slowly I creep my hand up her shirt and rub lightly against her abs hearing her breath hitch and she squeezes me tighter, almost as a warning. I bite my lip and decide to stop, still very upset with her. I pull back and look at her blue eyes that are glimmering lightly.

"I didn't mean for it to happen this way, I'm so sorry Eli. I didn't realize how bad I left things and I never forgot about you and just a lot happened then and I couldn't explain it and my parents couldn't but now they've died and I stay on my own but I help Maw since Paw is sick it's just everything Els."She says hurriedly, I giggle when she starts to ramble and I exhale finally being able to breathe. I hug her tightly and she stops talking, possibly even breathing but hugs me back after a few moments. I take in her woodsy smell and smile happy to have my best friend back. Even though there's a few plot holes, I let her off for now hearing about the death of her parents and the sickness of her grandfather. I loved her parents. They were the coolest two people on earth followed by Maw and Paw.

"I'm so sorry for your loss. How'd they go?" I ask quietly.

She runs a hand through her hair and speaks softly. "Robbery gone wrong. Dad tried to save mom and well one of the robbers was trigger happy and shot mom. Dad went ballistic and got shot. They both died on impact so they didn't suffer. I came home first that day and there was blood everywhere and our things were gone. I cried for so long and then finally called the cops. Luckily dad had a security camera installed so they were caught but ," she breaks off and I hear her sniffle and then clear her throat continuing. I pull her tighter into the hug and she squeezes me appreciatively.

"It's just so different without them you know ? All I did was box when they died just trying to stay out of the way and eventually the state was called because I was living alone even though I'm more than capable of taking care of myself but then children's services took me away, but Maw and Paw came and got me and let me work on the farm in exchange for free reign of the house and hot meals. " she says quietly. I feel my cheeks begin to burn, hearing that she's right next door again.

"So you've been next door all Summer and not once did you think about me or even saying hi. Mom and dad divorced, and mom came out as bisexual she remarried three years ago. " I say hearing my voice crack lightly.

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