The Second Crusade

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As the time after the first crusade dragged on it gave the sith lords more to to train there princess and Princesses. Some of them are so powerful that they could rival Yoda.

Lord Kotaku mainly watched the younglings as they spared with sticks.

"Good. Work on your form. Arms up. Eyes locked on the opponents saber. The force will warn you when the opponent will do certain things himself." Hr advised to the younglings.

"Lord Kotaku. How did you get so strong?" Asked a young male.

"I had a pretty good......teacher." he said trailing of in thought.

"I'll be right back." Hr said teleporting to the Grand Lord.

"Lord Konaruta. I just had an idea. How about we personally train the younglings. They may have higher learning rates." Hr suggested.

"Yes. Sounds like a good idea. Bo. Gather the princes and Princesses to the training room with the younglings. Tell them they'll be taking an apprentice." Hr instructed.

She did as told.

As the princes and princesses gathered the younglings looked on in admiration. These men and women were trained personally by the 4 Lords Of Prophecy.

"My princes and princesses. Reach out with the force and search for your apprentice." Instructed Lord Konaruta.

Even the Minor Lords Of The Sith took up apprentices.

They did so and one by one chose. 4 were left out. With a nod of agreement they all used an illusion of mandolorian armor. The unsuspiciously sauntered their way to the 4 crying younglings.

They kneeled down to their level.

"Stop your crying. You've been chosen." Said Lady Dumawi.

"Really. I thought we were going to be alone." Said one of them.

It was two boys and two girls. They all looked to be 10 years old.

"Who are you anyway.", Asked the girl.

They realeased the illusion and everyone's eyes widen as the sith lords rose.

"Why did you choose us?"

"Because we choose you four as our successors. Now come you have much training to go through." Said Lady Riloni.

It was then Lord Konaruta got a transmission.

"My Lord. This is patrol 541 on the Eastern side of the city. It's another Crusade. We're being slaughtered. I think it's about 500 ahhhhh." The holocall ended as everyone geared up.

"Stop. Will face them.... alone." Said Lord Konaruta.

"My Lord that's suicide." Said a warrior.

"Not if I survive. Send a camera droid and record my actions. Young apprentices. Watch and learn how the pros do it."

He then stuck up two of his fingers from his left and and wrapped his hands them and teleported to the battle field with the camera droid.

He looked around to 5 warriors dead on the ground.

"You come to my home, threaten my Monarchy and kill my warriors." He said angrily. He dropped his lightsaber.

He jumped into the middle of the group and force pushed everyone. He then summoned four water dragons and began destroying the Jedi.

Then he got into hand to hand.

Five Jedi came for him with there lightsabers upright. He simply sweeled all of the and went into a windmill that knocked back a few more. He continued then but added a wind element and formed it into small shurikens. He jumped out of the wind mill and below a fireball as we sweeled the area. Then he rushed ten Jedi 1 by 1 with a flurry of punches and kicks

Replace bomb tag with fire ball. Ignore the Lord Mu scene and Temari scene. And when Madara uses a sword replace that with anakin taking a random lightsaber.

In less than 5 minutes 500 hundred seasoned veterans of the clone wars were killed by one man. Without hesitation. Without mercy. Without question. The dark lord of the sith looked upon the last Jedi standing. Obi Wan Kenobi.

"For our last friendship I will not kill you. But if you ever disrupt you monarchy I will not hesitate to kill you. Now go." He threatened

Obiwan wasted no time in leaving the crime scene clearly shaken by the blood bath.

Later on the sith sent the recording to the Jedi and the Chancellor. The public then saw them and began having second thoughts about the Jedi.

Words 708

Posted 31/7/2020

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