|:| Chapter 1 |:| Her |:|

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A unknown figure with long, messy black hair, that reaches to his shoulders, with he's hands in his pants pockets. Staring through the windows to world on the opposite side of the glass. Standing alone in what seems to be a lounge with two sofa's placed parallel to each other separated by a empty table. 

The door creaks open, and a man with two long blonde bangs pointed upward at the end comes in. He has blue irises surrounded by a black sclera, with bags under his eyes. He wears a white button up shirt, with a blue tie, and a yellow suit jacket {A/N I don't know what it's called} with darker yellow vertical lines going all around the jacket with matching suit pants. His clothes don't fit the man well, as if they were meant for someone with more muscle that was taller. The pants extra fabric mounted up each other making it accumulate at the end. 

He walks up to the other figure and stops next to him. He takes a look at the world on the other side of the glass for a few seconds then turns his head to look at the figure beside him who has been quiet the whole time. He sighs, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"School is about to start you should head over to your classroom Aizawa" the man says.

"I'll be there in a few Yagi" the figure now identified as Aizawa replies.

The other figure now identified as Yagi, hums in response and turns his head back to the window. A few more minutes of silence pass, and Aizawa turns around and heads to his classroom. The sound of the door opening and closing, along with the sounds of fading footsteps fills the air. Yagi then sighs and starts walking towards the couch to sit down and relax. Once he sat down, he leans back and closes his eyes. Letting sleep take over.

[Aizawa's POV] ((During this scene, and a little bit before))

I should have stopped her from leaving that day. Now I don't know where she even is nor what she's doing. I shoved my hands in my pockets. It just feel's so wrong. I continued to stare out the window. The trees swaying a little because of the wind. The students walking alone or with their group chatting about their day. Everything reminds me of her. She loved nature. She used to sit down on the grass and just close her eyes and let the worries of the day just fade away. She chatted with me and Yagi, talking about what she dreamt about, and used to play us music that she liked. It's just so hard

I heard the door creak open. I didn't bother to look at who it was. I heard the soft patting of footsteps on the floor. They stopped just beside me. I saw who it was at the corner of my eyes. Yagi. He wasn't in his All Might form, right now he was Toshinori Yagi. He must be waiting to use his 3 hours later, probably for his Hero class later on the day. We stayed silent for a few seconds, he turned to look at me, and he broke the silence in the room.

"School is about to start you should head over to your classroom Aizawa" Yagi stated.

"I'll be there in a few Yagi" I said.

I saw the students walking inside the building. I turn on my shoes and start walking to the door. Yagi just stayed there, probably admiring the view, I pondered. As I was walking through the halls to get to class, I couldn't stop thinking about her, she never got to come here. She used to talk about how she wanted to be in my class, and beat the crap out of everybody, showing them that she's not one to mess with. I chuckled silently to myself. If only she was still here, I thought.

I made my way through the halls. I stopped once I made it to class 1A. I can already hear the kids talking and laughing. Let's just get this day over with. I opened the door to my class. 

++++++++++++TiMe SkIp 30 MiNuTeS lAtEr+++++++++++++

[Yagi's POV]

Someone roughly shakes me awake. I rub my eyes trying to rub the sleep out of them. I look around the room, and my eyes land on the white stoat infront of me. 

"I've been looking for you All Might" Principal Nezu responds putting his hands behind his back.

"What for?" my voice raspy from sleeping.

"In two days Aizawa and you will be taking class 1A to USJ, to help the students rescuing with Thirteen." he replies bluntly putting his hands together while he walks to the other couch, "Since Midoriya might need help since he's still not used to your quirk"

"I'll be there" I respond. Young Midoriya will need my help with his quirk. I can use this opportunity to see what he does in rescue situations, and maybe give him some tips here and there. They probably need more help with suppervision, though I don't doubt Aizawa can't watch them all. 

Nezu just hums in response. We should really change the name of the rescue facility, the students might think there going to Universal Studios Japan. Let's just hope I don't waste my time limit before that, I pondered.

++++++++++++++ End of Chapter 1 Her ++++++++++++++++++


Argh I feel this is so shitty, I would have posted it earlier but my laptop stopped working for some reason, it suddenly just stopped letting me use the keyboard, and then I just turned it off and see if it will start working again, buuuuut it didn't turn back on again. So had to switch devices, and everything I had written down go erased so I had to write it all over again, and then I just kinda took a break and kinda forgot about it so...

Hope you like it!!! I don't know when the next chapter is gonna be up though :l

|:| 07/31/2020 |:|

Word count: 912