Chapter 11

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To be clear, I wasn't happy with Nicholas, but my hatred had maybe died down a little after last night.

He changed since I first left him, he began apologizing and realizing his mistakes. He was even a little bit kinder. But that all didn't change his dominant possessive behavior. He had always looked at everything like his.

His company had advanced because of his high demands and keeping his employees in order, it didn't take someone special to realize he had everything figured out for him.

Other large brands and companies wanted a share of his well-done company. He never shared though,

I was jealous of how he had everything figured out while I didn't.

Last night had been an emotional rollercoaster after Nick left Cassie came back, it was her apartment anyways. I hadn't told her the entire story, I was tired and it seemed like I was always telling her my problems.

Today my schedule was exceptionally busy. I was meeting with Anette to go over the final details and then I had a meeting with a few other fashion designers.

I wasn't a huge fashion designer or business owner but this would be a great opportunity to get some insight into other fashion industries.

Cassie was coming along, thankfully she was just as into fashion as me. She put her effort and dedicated herself to this business and I seriously couldn't be happier.

Sliding on a beige jumper and black pants I grabbed my purse and phone. Waking up every morning felt so abnormal. It felt like a revision, watching you start over with memories.

My world had changed so much, for the better and for whatever was to come. I was truly happier in some aspects and some I was confused and lonely.

It was my battle to fight, it was my inner love and past I would have to get over and fight. If it was worth my happiness or not.

I had always felt so lonely even with people around me. it was like I wasn't letting myself accept my new reality.

Walking into the cafe I scanned the room for Annette. Her face was not like others, it was unique you could spot her from a mile away, her freckles and curly lushes hair the bounced when moved around. Her beautiful colored eyes, her beautiful caramel skin.

As I found her eyes I smiled and waved as I walked over.

"Hey! Juliet, I'm so glad we could meet" Annette smiled as she engulfed me in a hug.

"Of course" I returned the smile as we sat down at a small two-person table, noticing Annette

had already ordered for me I took a sip of what tasted like a warm chai tea latte.

It was one of my favorite drinks from this cafe what a coincidence?

"How did you...?"

"Oh, I did some research on a blog you wrote a while ago" Annette smiled instantly I felt as if the woman sitting in front of me wasn't just a beautiful woman but she was a kind-hearted soul.

It wasn't her researching me beforehand that had made me realize this, It was the small gestures that go unnoticeable.

"I've filled out the forms and signed the contracts, I've got them here," Annette said as she pulled out a folder of paper and slid them over.

After reviewing them over for a few seconds I smiled as I slid them into my purse.

"Thanks, I'll call you as soon as I have a shoot, you'd look good in an off the shoulder ruffle dress" I complimented taking another sip of my latte.

"Thank you so much, Juliet, you have no idea how much this means to me, this is such an incredible opportunity and..."

As Annette rambled with excitement I slowly realized how beautiful her soul was.

It made so much sense that a man like Lukas would fall for someone like her, she was beautiful inside and out, she was filled with happiness and a kind heart.

Lukas was truly lucky. Whilst her, she was lucky to have someone who'd be willing to go as far as getting her, her dream job.

It was a match made in heaven.

"Juliet?" Bringing me out my thoughts Annette waved her hand in hopes to get my attention.

"Yeah, yeah I'm sorry I've got a lot on my mind" I apologized.

"We can do this another time there no rush-" Annette questioned,

"No- no, it's okay you've waited long enough." I smiled as Annette returned it as she pulled out some photos.

"I've got a few pictures here that bring out my features, I mean it's totally up to you I'm no expert

or anything but I just brought them just in case they would help you for the future of course" Annette smiled.

I examined the photos and she was indeed correct, they did bring out her features her eyes, and her caramel skin against darker tones.

This helped me.

"This is great Annette, thanks I'll look into these!" I smiled as I collected the pictures and slipped them into my purse.

Just as I was about to take another sip I realized I was getting a call. Picking up my phone I read the caller I.D

Nicholas King.

Why was he calling me on a Saturday? Did something happen?

Looking at Annette I gave her an apologetic smile as she nodded motioning for me to proceed. I got up and walked out of the cafe as I answered the phone call.

"Nick? Is everything ok?" I asked leaning against the cafe window.

"My fathers been in an accident, he's in the hospital in San Fransisco, I'm coming to pick you up we're leaving on my jet in an hour," Nicholas explained as the phone call ended quickly.

my heart raced, Nicholas's father was an important man in the business industry If word got around surely problems and rumors would be created. People would be after his spot in status.

Both Nicholas's parents where kind people on the inside. His dad did hold a cold front, but to run a successful business being kind all the time would never work.

His mother was the sweetest soul you'd ever encounter, she was beautiful, her dark black hair brought out her light blue eyes and her soft pink lips.

When Nicholas and I had gotten married I had cried that night in the bathroom, she comforted me and assured me things would get better and she held me like her very own blood.

She must be devastated.

I couldn't let her see me and Nicholas in a state of anger with each other, she couldn't bear that with everything going on she needed to see something work for her to feel like she had a reason to be strong.

Nicholas knew this, very very well. We'd surely put on a show tonight.

For the better good. 

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