Chapter 15

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"She's here" I heard Nicholas said as I closed the door behind me. 

Nicholas stood there with an almost darkened expression as he ended the phone call and let his hand fall to his side as he looked at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I set my purse down and my phone next to it. 

He scoffed looking away, he couldn't really be mad. Not at me, not at this, he had no right. None.

"For a moment I thought maybe you'd understand. But clearly, I was mistaken" I said as I picked up my trench coat and phone and walked past him to my room.

"Don't you dare walk away from me" Nicholas ordered in a dangerously calm voice. I stopped and turned around a little intimidated.

"What is there left to say?" I asked as I made direct eye contact with him.

"Where were you?" He asked, actually it was more of a demand than a question. 

"I went out to eat. " I answered not wanting to make this conversation any longer, if I told him the truth he'd leave it alone. I doubt he wanted this conversation to go any longer either. 

He walked closer as he grabbed my arm, tightly he dragged me out the penthouse.

"What are you doing- let go of me" I demanded but his hold never loosened instead it just tightened as he opened the car door of his Mercedes and forced me in.

This was definitely considered kidnap. 

He soon got into the driver's seat and began driving god knows where. I watched the trees and cars pass by.

"Where are we going," I asked in an irritated voice. 

He stayed quiet as he parked in an odd spot. There weren't any other cars around. There wasn't anyone near for miles.

I watched Nicholas get out of the car as I hastily unlocked my door and chased after him. What was he doing?

"Hey! What are you doing? Stop!" I demanded as he disappeared in the distance. Catching up I came to a halt.

My eyes where mesmerized, my world had stopped. I looked at the view from where I stood. With Nicholas not far from me. 

The city was clear, the lights and buildings bringing the view to life. The wind breezing as chills grew up my arms.

I walked up to Nick standing next to him admiring the view, it felt odd. Standing here together with him, it almost felt weird.

Nothing had ever been normal between us, we had never really spent a moment and processed everything we had been through together at one time.

Sure, he and I where-would never be on good terms, and we had our differences but we were human. 

We were stuck together by business, and no matter what circumstances and differences took place we would always just end up the same.


"My father brought me here every day before I was handed the business," Nicholas said breaking my train thoughts.

"Oh," I replied unsure of what to say, this had to be a special moment for him.

A special place. Why would he bring me here? Especially such a heartfelt place.

"Don't be upset with him, Juliet. He loves you, perhaps more than me. He would never do anything to hurt you purposefully" Nicholas explained as I looked at him, he was still looking forward.

"I'm not upset with him Nicholas," I said, and that was the truth.

I couldn't ever be upset with Calvin. He had too much of a pure soul to ever be upset with.

"Don't be upset with me Juliet" Nicholas said as he finally turned to look at me. I furrowed my eyebrows confused from where this was coming from.

"Nicholas I-"

He pulled me in and engulfed me in a hug. A true heartfelt one, one that showed his true emotions, he was broken. So damaged and I couldn't have the slightest idea why.

I let his head rest on top of mine as he held me afraid of letting go. Maybe I was imaging it but it all felt so real.

Finally letting go of me, he turned back to face the view, I did the same.

"I was in love- before we had gotten married" Nicholas admitted, I furrowed my eyebrows and glanced at him, he was capable of love?

"She was like you, she didn't let anyone walk all over her. She was passionate, she got what she wanted." He continued, 

What was he getting at?

"When I had told her I would be getting married, she raged. She changed, I wasn't expecting any less." 

"She threatened our relationships if I went through with the marriage, I was in love with her Juliet, you'd imagine how much I hated this" He continued his voice cracked as he went on.

"I promised that nothing would change, we'd just have to be more secretive. My father hadn't an idea about her, I couldn't tell him. She wasn't right for my father" 

"She denied my negotiations and left. I hadn't seen her after that- i looked everywhere I sent out a search party I did everything but nothing could be found" 

"I slept with women and drunk my hurt away, it was the only thing that eased my pain. And when it wore off, I was back in square one" He ended, 

This explained everything, every single thing I had questioned had now been answered. And for a good reason.

So this was what was behind the act he put on. True heartbreak.

"That night, before I had left you kissed me- why?" I asked recalling the events to make sense of it.

"I wanted to feel the taste of pure lips again" He admitted, but why had I felt like this shattered me. Like I was expecting something more.

Maybe a confession, or something with feeling behind it but this certainly was not what I was expecting.

"I'm sorry Juliet. I'm sorry I've treated you like this I had only realized after you left that the pain had started all over again"

"I forgive you" It was what he needed to hear. What he had been doing all this for, for someone to understand and forgive him to be wanted again.

I did forgive him, but I wasn't sure when i'd come to terms with him. He was always Nicholas King. But today I saw him differently.

And that was enough for me to understand what true pain looked like.

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