chapter 9 mamries diary

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Hannahs pov

Grace is coming home today I should really clean this place up.

Beep beep

From mamrie

Hey han just wanted to know if you and grace would like to have dinner tonight at mine ;) xx

To mamrie

Yeah sure mames sounds good;) xx

It just hit me I have mamries diary maybe I shouldn't of taken her diary but I need to know whats going on with her. Shes my best friend. I pick up mamries diary and open the first page which read:

Start of diary entry

Dear diary,

                   Me and my girlfriend broke up today she cheated on me with some guy named Sean. I thought she loved me I guess  I was wrong. Maybe if I was skinnier she would love me or if I was prettier.

All my love

Mametown (mamrie)


End of diary entry

Well I learnt a lot in five minutes number one she had a girlfriend (never told me about it) number two she had no self confidence and number three she calls her self mametown if you think about it if she ever had a child she could call her self momtown hehehe. Lets read the next page

Start of diary entry

Dear diary,

                   The girls on the cheer squad said really hurtful things to me today they saw my old scars and made fun of me for it but anyway I still have to go to therapy after my incidents I miss being normal.

All my love

Mametown ( mamrie )


End of diary entry

did mamrie get hurt or something like emotional scars or what maybe entry three might piece things together.

Start of diary entry

Dear diary,

                    I met this really funny girl today her name was hannah and she has the same last name as me which I weird also she has a girlfriend named grace I can't say im not jealous but I can say hannah Is hot.

All my love

Mametown ( mamrie )


End of diary entry

I dont even know what to say I need to think about this maybe i'll read more later.

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