chapter 12 Regrets

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Hannahs pov (when grace was at night club)

Do I regret breaking up with grace no but I will miss her. She basically made me into what I am. What I do regret is what I said to mamrie.

"My happy little pill
Take me away
Dry my eyes
Bring colour to my skies"- comes from my phone

Its mamrie I answer

"Hi hannah can you please come get me I will explain when you get here"

"Yeah sure, where are you?"

"The new night club"

"Thats where grace is"

"I know, please just come get me hannah" mamrie is crying

I end the call and lock the door behind me I get in the car and drive.


"So mamrie is hannah coming to save you?" Grace asks with an evil smirk

"Shut up grace"

"Oh mamrie you dont actually think hannah likes you do you?"

I dont answer her

"Aww is little mamrie gonna get upset?"

"Grace I dont fucking care"

"Oh really thats not what your girlfriend said"

"What do you mean?"

"Sarah" she laughs as my heart sinks

Hannah drives up

"So she is here to save you" grace says as hannah gets out the car

"Come on mamrie lets go" hannah says

"Fine leave me hannah" grace shouts

"Grace please dont make this any harder than it has to be" hannah says softly

I get into hannahs car and we drive off to hannahs place. I regret letting grace kiss me and how does she know so much about me. It scares me to think that she knows my dark secrets. The car stops at hannahs house, she unlocks the door and we walk in.

"Hannah there's something I need to tell you"

"And that is?"

"Grace kissed me, I stopped the kiss because I thought you two were still together, then she said you weren't and that it was my fault, she then said."

"She said what mamrie"

"She said that I should be careful who I trust because I obviously dont trust many people"

"Whats that supposed to mean?"


"No mamrie what does that mean" she says softly

"Hannah stop it doesn't mean anything"

"Yes it does please just tell me"

"Fine well you know I had a girlfriend well her name was sarah she cheated on me with my best friend and after that I developed some issues"

"What kind of issues"

"This kind"i say pulling down my tights to show the scars and fresh cuts"

"Mamrie no"

"Im so sorry hannah I know your dealing with your own issues and me a worthless nothing are adding to them I jus" hannah cuts me off by kissing them for what seems like forever.

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