Chapter Seven

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He whispered in my ear. "Forever and always." He said as the floor beneath us dropped. He turned and held me close as to break my fall. We hit the ground hard and I heard Raphael behind us he swung me into his arms and ran I held him close wrapping my arms around his neck as he quickened his pace he lay me in the gondola and rushed off to the lair. "GET BACK HERE!" Raphael called after us. We were almost to the opening when he dove into the water swimming after us. Erik grabbed me and ran up the steps setting me down so he could close the gate. It went silent when the gate closed and I ran over to him. "Oh Erik I'm so sorry." I cried into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "Do not apologize angel." He said holding me close. "Let *cough* go of her!" Raphael said emerging from the water grabbing the gate for stability. "RAPHAEL!" I yelled as the phantom pulled me behind him. "Please." Raphael wheezed out looking down. He was breathing heavy and leaning against the gate to stay up. He looked up the pain in his face was eminent. He bent back down catching his breath. Erik slowly walked up to him in the water. The second he looked up Erik slung a rope out of the water tying him to the gate with his hands above his head. Raphael helplessly fought back but he had no shot with his loss of strength. I don't know what came over me but I felt bad Raphael. Raphael lay his head back against the gate as Erik left to grab something. "C-Collette for-forgive me." Raphael said looking longingly. I waded through the water towards him, I cupped his face in my hands as he breathed heavily. "I'm-im so sorry I'm not the man you once loved..." I could see the tears in his eyes and the tears in mine were growing. "But th-the responsibilities since your father died has brought a great strain between us...there are no excuses for how I've treated you...but I never thought I would lose you." He said resting his head in my hands. "Raphael...I don't know if I can forgive you." I said he looked ashamed of himself. "I know you may never forgive me Collette but just know...I will always love you, I will never forgive myself for waiting till your father was on his deathbed to ask for your hand in marriage...I should have done it before all of those responsibilities were on your back." He said the tears falling from his cheeks mixing with the sweat and water already on him. I wiped his tears and turned to see Erik, he was furious with the Punjab Lasso in his hands. "Erik..." my voice said shaking. "You wouldn't." I said turning to face him. "Oh I would...he will pay for what he's done to you." He said pushing past me. "NO!" I said trying to rip the rope out of his hands. "Why are you fighting this Collette you know you want this to happen look deeply into your heart you know you want this." He said fitting it around Raphaels neck he was too weak to fight back. "Collette...I *hmph* love you." Raphael said as Erik tightened the rope around his neck. "ERIK STOP!" I screamed catching him off guard. "I'm not like you...I don't crave death and murder...I thought you would save me from this abuse not murder him!" I yelled. "C-Collette..." his voice softly cracked. "Release him." I simply said looking down. Erik dropped the rope and I ran to Raphael untying him. Raphael Gasped catching his breath. And wrapping his arms around me. The gate was slowly opening I turned Eriks face was in his hands he clutched the rose from my dress in one of his hands. I walked towards him. "E-Erik." I stuttered, he looked up towards me. I turned to look at Raphael and nodded he nodded whispering "I release you." back and started walking off. I could feel the tears in my eyes as I turned back to face Erik . "Oh-Erik." I said my voice cracking as I dropped to my knees in front of him. "Mon Ange don't cry." He said placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him tears streaming down my face. He wiped the tears away from my face pushing my Blonde hair out of my eyes. I jumped up wrapping my arms around his neck. It surprised him at first but he soon wrapped his around my waist, I cried into his shoulder as he held me close. "Angel..." he whispered into my ear. "I-I di-didn't mean it...Y-your not a b-bad person." I said holding him tighter. "Mon don't know me." He said loosening his grasp around me. I pulled away and he looked down. "But Erik...I want to know you." I said as he turned to face me. "Collette-." He started but I cut him off with a kiss. "I want to know you." I said resting my forehead against his.

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