Chapter Sixteen

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As we entered the lair I stumbled out of the gondola I staggered towards the organ leaning against it to regain energy as she walked over to me. "Come you must rest." She helped me over to the bed. "May I look." She said as I sat on the edge of the bed. I nodded as she removed my coat. "Par Dieu." She exclaimed. "Your shirt is soaked in blood." She said feeling around the area. I flinched as she neared the wound, she held the letter opener up next to the wound, "Erik...I'm so sorry." She said inspecting the wound through the shirt. "I'm going to need to get under your shirt." She said resting her hand on my shoulder. I removed my shirt as she looked at it, she looked around grabbing a white cloth off a table ripping it and wrapping it under my arm and over my shoulder. I flinched as she went over the wound she resisted not wanting to hurt me. "follow me." She said draping my shirt over my shoulders and walking me over to the gondola. "Where are we going..." I questioned. "Back to my dressing room, I need to get materials for your wound." She said as we set off, we neared the staircase and I followed her, slinking into the shadows beside her as we snuck back to her dressing room. As we walked in she left the room to get something as I stayed in the shadows as so nobody would see me if they weren't Collette. When she returned she had a needle and thread in hand a wet rag in the other, I rolled my eyes as she walked behind me. She prepped her needle and began stitching up the wound, the wound was numbing itself but the pain was still eminent. "That's better." She said cutting the thread and dabbing it with the rag. She handed me my shirt and I quickly put it back on, she was setting to leave when a knock came from the door. I jumped up and snuck to shadows as she opened the door. "Collette! Where is Erik have you seen him?" Madame giry said walking into the room. I stepped forward from the shadows. "What were you thinking!" She yelled coming towards me. "I knew what I was doing." I said looking up at her. "And if you were to have killed him what then this place would lose its owners and nobody would come to own the place and we'd all be out of a job." She said getting closer. "Mrs. Giry he didn't kill him if anything Andre did more harm than him." Collette said walking up waving the bloody rag in her hand. "My God!" Madame Giry exclaimed in horror. "Erik what happened!" She said getting even closer. "It's not of importance." I replied looking back at Collette. "Erik!" Madame Giry yelled grabbing my arm I stumbled forward. The bloodied back of my shirt revealing itself. "My god Erik how could such a thing happen." She said turning me to a better angle to see the wound. "This, it's Andre's letter opener." Collette said grabbing the letter opener and handing it to Madame Giry.

Collettes POV:
"This, it's Andre's letter opener." I said handing it to Madame Giry. She grabbed it looking intently, "Collette come with me Erik, go back they're looking for you." Madame Giry said grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the room. She rushed us down to the foyer Andre was frantically speaking with Firmin and head of security. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU!" Madame Giry yelled as she rushed down the steps I followed her. Andre turned around frantically as she was waving his letter opener around. "By god are you going to try to murder me too!" Andre said turning around to face her. "You!" Andre said in a nasty tone seeing me behind her. "You cause nothing but problems!" He said pointing at me. "Monsieur I can assure you that this is not my fault, you brought this upon yourself." I said shocked, his jaw dropped at my response and he turned to face Firmin who was rubbing his temples. He turned to face the Head of Security, they mumbled something ending with "...I think we're agreed on that." Andre turned to face me. "You will sing," he said looking at me then turning to Firmin, "and we will finally be free." He said smirking.

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