Chapter Thirteen

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Collettes POV:
I woke up in my bed, which confused me because I swore I was at my vanity. I looked up to see the rose on the sheet music. "Erik?" I questioned sitting up. There wasn't a response so I walked over to the sheet music, the Rose was sitting on top. It wasn't fresh it's petals were browning and drying but it was still as beautiful as ever. I untied the black ribbon from the rose setting it on the vanity. I quickly changed out of my dressing gown and walked back over to the vanity rubbing my fingers over the black ribbon, a knock came from the door and I gently laid both the rose and ribbon into a drawer and picked up the music. "Madame Giry." I said opening the door slightly. "No time to talk child you must come now." She said pulling my wrist guiding me out of the doorway. "Madame Giry what is the matter?" I questioned lifting my skirt so as not to trip. "He will not be happy about this." She said quickening her pace. "Please Madame, may I know." I asked trying to keep my footing. "Carlotta Giudicelli has returned." She said turning back around and walking again. "But I thought the spot was promised to me it shouldn't matter should it." I said rubbing my wrist and following her up the stairs. "Madame, she is a very big character and the owners Collette are weak they will do what they can to keep her." She burst the stage doors open and rushed in grabbing my wrist again. "You!?!?" Carlotta hissed seeing me. "What is the meaning of this." Madame Giry said angrily towards Andre. "C-Carlotta h-has offered us a choice we cannot say no to Madame." He said straightening his stance, Firmin patted his forehead with his handkerchief and I walked up behind Madame Giry. "But monsieur I've been practicing every second of the day for Amnita's role it will displease him to hear I'm not the star." I said, "Need not I remind you of the letter he wrote to you." Madame Giry said pulling the letter out of her pocket. "I sing or me AND Piangi walk." Carlotta chimed in. "Collette sings, or you risk something beyond our wildest imaginations happening tonight." Madame giry said looking up at Firmin and Andre this time. "Now Madame Giry lets not get ahead of ourselves." Andre started. "NO!! Foolish man you read my wishes you know what I've asked of you, choose not to oblige you will suffer greatly!" Eriks voice boomed through the Opera house, he made himself clear and we all knew what was to be done.

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