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Syo and Ren just stared at me with shocked faces and even slightly opened mouths. Ren though, looked slightly amused..
"HEY." A strong loud voice suddenly greeted through the phone. "Hey! calm down. We got it under control, no one is hurt, and things are alright." He explain.
Taking deep breaths again and sighing, "But, Demon! HE-"
"I know. But we're coming and stuff so don't worry."
".....fine.... Okay.. Be careful."
"Hehe.. Alright. You too." After that, the call ended.
Sighing again, I look up at the two Starish members in my room.
"Hi." I greeted.
Awkwardly, I stood there for a moment with an awkward smile.
"So, yeah. Sorry. " with that I tried to walk past them, but they quickly recovered and followed me.
"Little Lamb?"
Walking faster, I tried to keep my head down and just look at the floor.

I know. I'm sorry it's short. I've been busy. SORRY!!! THANK YOU FOR READING!! Also special thanks to the two who commented!!!! YOUR ALL AMAZING

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