Soldier - Pernille x Magdalena

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Pernille's pov
"Wake up" someone shouted as they hit the bars of our cells. We've been sleep deprived for days now and I'm starting to lose my mind. I actually don't know how long I've been held captive anymore.

Months ago, the war started between the four scandinavian kingdoms. I was leading the commander for this one mission. My soldiers and I were on our way to hack the norwegian system when they caught us. They took us instead of killing us. We were actually treated fine since we were war prisoners, but when the Swedish army attacked them and took us, it all changed. They wanted us to fight for them. Obviously, none of us wanted to betray Denmark. So they used the strong way. We've been treated like animals. They made us fight each other until the other couldn't walk anymore. More than half my commando died.

"Open up prisoner's 1022 cell" the commander ordered. They all expect us to be scared after all they made us endure. They shattered our souls, well what was left of them anyway. I'm not included in that though. When they opened up my cell and faced me, I looked at them dead in the eyes with my head held high. "Still acting tough" the commander chuckled when he saw me. I didn't even bother replying to his provocation. "Come on. They want to see your progress" he said as he pushed me and forced me to walk to the arena, for the millionth time since I've arrived.

Behind the mirror glass, I knew they were observing me. "You've made remarkable progress. Now is the real test" someone said through the speakers. "I'm not fighting anymore" I told them. "You will" they replied. "Or what?" I asked. The mirror then changed to show an imagine. Or rather a video. "Sanne" I whispered as I took a step closer to the screen. The second after, we heard a gunshot and the body of the woman that has been in my commando for years and one of my dear friend fell on the ground, lifeless. "If you refuse to fight. Another one dies" they told me.

"Who am I fighting?" I asked with my eyes full of tears. "Him" they simple said as the guy that brought me there squared up. I had no hesitation in my movements. Rage and sadness took control of my mind. Maybe he was bigger than me and physically stronger than me, it didn't matter because my mind was sharper than his. The fact that I was smaller was the best advantage I had. With my speed, I successfully got behind him and performed a triangle choke on him after I put him on the ground, using his weight against him. I then moved one of my leg over the shoulder of the arm I was holding and started pushing out. If I held on a little longer, I would've been able to break something, but a sudden pain to my stomach made me let go of everything. People stormed in the room, but I had no clue what was happening. What I knew what that I was in horrible pain. It was comparable to the many times I got shot, and even worse. "What's happening?" I mumbled as everything started to fade away. Then it all went dark.

"She's waking up" a lady said as bright lights hit me. I looked around to see a very white room. I tried to sit up, but the stinging pain came back. "What happened" I asked the lady in the white lab coat that I assumed to be a doctor. "During your fight, the general used a knife to stab you in the stomach" she replied to me. "Wow" I said as I let my head drop again. "We're going to inject you some pain medecine and sedation, you'll feel dizzy and sleepy" she explained. "Oh" I murmured as I felt the effect as soon as they pushed it in. I wouldn't say no to some good sleep. "I'll check back on you in a bit" she said as she left the room.

I had to fight the urge to close my eyes and to just let myself go, but this was my chance to run away. I dragged myself out of the chair, despite the pain. To my surprise, the door opened when I turned the handle. Too easy. I slid along the wall of the hallway using everything I saw to help me put one foot in fron of another. Everything went well until I ran into someone.

"Watch out" I heard. Oh no. "Look at who we have here" he contemplated. Why did it have to be him. "You know how in trouble I am now because of you" he said as his jaw tightened with every word. "Well maybe if you played fair instead of being a coward you wouldn't be in such deep shit" I spited him. He smiled before he punched me right where my wound is. "You know, you're really a shit talking bitch. Always running you mouth thinking you're superior. Maybe you were hot shit before, but you know what? You're nothing here" he said as he put his hand around my neck. He forced me to look at him with his disgusting grin. "You're sick " I said after I spat on him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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