Reader x Fleuriku

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--- POV: Fleuriku has texted you to meet at her house, you've just arrived at her door. You don't actually know why yet. ---

I knocked gently on the door, I would usually be a little louder knocking but I know Fleuriku doesn't like loud noise. I stood back and the door slowly opened, Fleuriku peered around the door to check who it was.

"Hi, Fleur!" I smiled.

"O-oh.. hi [Y/N], I'm glad you came, I need someone to talk to right now." She stood back and let me enter, she gently closed the door behind us and we made our way into the living room.

"So... what's up?" I asked her as I sat down on the couch.

"Oh, nothing much... I just needed some company... you know, today marks something bad for me... and... I need a distraction. I don't want to remember what happened..."

I knew exactly what she meant.

"Why didn't you ask one of the girls? Surely that must've been a more comfortable option for you, right?"

"Well, Alimi and Demisu probably wouldn't take much notice, and Kibi already has too many issues of her own, I wouldn't want to burden her with my troubles."

"Oh. I see." We both sat in awkward silence for a little while. I didn't really know what to say. Fleuriku's issue was just so... unlike anything I'd expect her to be involved in. She's so sweet, gentle, innocent and kind, I would've never assumed she would be in a situation like that.

"Um... would you like something to drink at all?" Fleuriku tried to start up conversation again.

"Ah, sorry Fleuriku, I just don't really know what to say... the whole thing is just..."

"Disgusting? Terrible? Illegal? Yes, I know... I hate myself for it you know. But I just feel so obsessed I can hardly contain myself. The things I do. It's terrible. I feel so disgusting." She wrapped her arms around herself and dropped to the floor, bursting into tears.

"Hey, hey.." I quickly got up and crouched beside her, putting my arms around her, she cried into my shirt. "It'll be okay Fleuriku... it's okay... ssshhh.." I whispered, trying to calm her down.

"I'm so sorry [Y/N]!!" She sobbed.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, none of that was your fault, I don't know if it's still going on, but I want you to know you have my full support and you always will." Without thinking, I kissed the top of her head and hugged her tighter. I looked down to see she was blushing softly, and no longer crying.

"Fleuriku..." I whispered "You should go and get some rest..." I helped her to her feet and she slowly nodded, still holding on tightly to me. I took her over to the couch and made sure she laid down comfortably. She looked absolutely exhausted, and she was shaking slightly. I brushed my hand against her cheek and she smiled and slowly opened her eyes.

"Thank you, [Y/N].... for eveything..." Her beautiful brown eyes met mine. She gave a little smile.

"You don't have to thank me, it's what I'm here for, Fleur. Always." I sat with her until she eventually peacefully drifted off asleep. She doesn't deserve what she's going through. Not at all. But she knows that I'll support her and be here for her. Always.

Doki Doki Melody Club x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now