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Dear Kuya Arki,

Why should I move on from you? You don't even know me and I don't even know you that much yet you slowly broke my heart. Do I love you already? That's too impossible, right?

I know deep within me that I like you but I never thought it would be this deep. Is this even possible? To fall in love with a complete stranger? Gahd! I'm getting absurd as time passes by.


When I saw all the things that you did for her I realized that I'm completely no one in your life. I didn't even passed by.

I want to forget everything since from the beginning, I shouldn't fall for you or else I'll break again.

I slowly accepted that I should just be happy by seeing you from afar. I will never be able to reach you from here to where you really belong.

Why am I even doing this letter/diary, because I just want you to know that I existed, and I'm happy that you've became a part of my life. Thank you for the short time of happiness and blissfulness that I felt.

I should stop this madness and move-on. I must already let go of this feelings before it turns into a very big mess. I don't want to get hurt anymore.

Dear Kuya ArkiWhere stories live. Discover now