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High school, the last four years of a students educational career before they can freely live their lives, get a job or go to college and torture themselves even  more. 

At least that is what Jungkook thinks. Many students joke around saying school is prison. However Jungkook doesn't see it as a joke. That is the real definition in his book. 

As a senior he can say he  has learned quite a lot over the past few years. He learned that a majority of the students attending his high school are all rich selfish brats that only care about pleasing their egos and spending a rotten amount of money on useless shit.

He has also learned that the principal and teachers don't give a fuck. You could have been beaten to the pulp and they will give you an ice pack and tell you to walk it off. 

Another would be that their school principal is a scammer, accepting bribes from parents. A plan to guarantee their children will graduate with scholarships and honors.

Those are just few of the things he learned.


JK pov


The lunch bell finally rang. Freeing us from the devilish hands of our PE teacher. We were just about to start a brutal game of Dodge ball and fortunately the bell saved us. 

I walked in the boy's locker room and snaked passed the others to get to my locker. I made it to my navy blue locker and played around with the lock imputing the correct digits. I took out my clothes that I neatly folded and quickly undressed and dressed myself into the clean clothes.  Once I was fully dressed and ready to head out, someone slapped the back of my head.

"Hoseok what the fuck!"

"Jungkook hyung did you hear the rumors?" the Sophomore I call my bestfriend asked me in a hushed tone. I took a hint that he doesn't want anyone around to hear. I quickly grabbed my black backpack and started heading towards the exist. Hoseok quickly following. 

I looked at him with confusion. "What rumors? And why did you have to hit me so damn hard?" I asked as I was rubbing the back of my head. It really hurt.

As we made our way out of the locker room and down the hall to the cafeteria he continued to explain what he meant.

"Well before my dad left for work I heard him talking on the phone that there seems to be complications in the company at the moment."

I nodded my head indicating that I am listening and for him to continue.

"Then on my way to school I overheard this business woman talking to a business man in the subway about evacuating."

"And then I heard one of the rich kids say something about going on vacation to Hawaii for a couple weeks with his family tomorrow."

At this point we had already went through the lunch line and collected our typical high school food which consists of a hamburger with only ketchup and pickles and no cheese on our red lunch trays and sat down at one of the cafeteria tables.

I looked at Hoseok who was sitting opposite of me. His leg kept bouncing which I assume is due to nervousness, and he was fidgeting with the bottom hem of his light green sweater.

"Hobi I can tell your worried about something, what is it?"

He scooted closer to me and whispered, "What if something bad is going to happen?"

"What do you mean?" I said softly.

"What if we have to evacuate or leave our homes? What if the stock market crashes and we all become poor and live in the woods with wild animals?"

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