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Jungkook was busy putting the blankets on the bed in the guest bedroom when Hobi entered the room.

"Okay Hobi." Jungkook said with a serious expression."If you see or hear anything suspicious or scary call me, I am gonna go check if the doors are locked."

Hoseok quickly nodded making it clear he understood.

"Jungkook hyung?" Hoseok said in a hushed voice.


"Thank you and be careful when you lock the doors."

"No problem, and I will . Sleep well, good night." Jungkook said as he walked out the room and closed the door.

I headed to my bedroom  after locking the doors and windows. I may be extra but I don't want anything to happen to my family. I ain't risking it.

I carefully opened the door since Junghoon was still fast asleep. I quickly changed into a plain white shirt and pajama pants and cuddled up next to Junghoon.

N/O Pov

Hoseok had been banging on Jungkook's door ever since he woke up and checked his phone. 

His mother was right the Government Officials sent out an alert at exactly 5:00 in the morning. 

Jungkook slowly but surely woke up and checked his alarm clock. It's about 5 in the morning why did he have to wake up so early. He thought. He is so lucky Junghoon didn't wake up.   

He looked at the sleeping boy and made sure his blanket was covering him. Then he made his way and opened the door. 

"Yes Hoseok, what is so important that you had to wake me up when it's not even 6 in the morning." Jungkook said with a fake smile. 

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "You said I can call you in case of an emergency, well this is an emergency!"

"Check your phone we got another alert but this time it is serious. 



I followed what Hobi said and checked my phone and he was right it is serious. We are being told to  evacuate Busan and head over to Gwangju. 

"What the fuck!"

"Jungkook shhh! Your brother is still sleeping."

"Says the one who was banging on my door a couple minutes ago. Anyways when do we leave? 

Hoseok looked down at his phone looking at a couple messages. I could tell that he was nervous and scared as his hand was shaking while holding his phone. 

"My Mom called me when you were putting Junghoon to sleep. She said that she wasn't in town anymore and that she wants us to ignore the alerts and head over to Daegu instead. Hoseok said with a shaky breath. "She told me once we get there she will explain every thing to us."

I nodded as I processed this information. Not knowing who to follow, Hoseok's mother or the government.  However that answer was quite obvious. 

"Also the alert say that we would have to be gone by 7AM, apparently to reduce more attacks and deaths. The mayor wants everyone evacuated." Hoesok explained this time his breathing was more ragged. 

I knew he was scared. Scared to leave his home. Scared of being alone with so many dangerous possibilities. So I did what I thought could help him relax. 

I grabbed his shoulders making sure his was facing me. "Hey Hobi look at me."  And he did but with glassy eyes and his lip quivering. What should I expect from a scared 15 year old, but it hurt to see my friend this way, so I had to be strong. For him and Junghoon. 

"Hobi it's gonna be okay, we will be fine don't worry. You have me and Jungiie, your mom is already safe waiting for us in Daegu and I am sure your father is safe in Japan." I said trying to calm him down with positive scenarios. 

"Okie Hyung" He said with a hiccup. I smiled. 

"Hoseok I have a plan." I said. "I want you to book tickets for the train and pack up whatever you will need such as food, water, clothes and blankets. You can use my clothes if you want."

"I will pack up my stuff and Junghoon's." While I explained the plan Hoseok's face was still, no emotion.  

"Now smile for me, no one wants to see this sunshine sad." Hoseok tried his best to grant my wish and gave me a half smile. 

"Thank you" I said. "now go get ready."



Jungkook managed to quickly get himself and Junghoon ready. Of course Junghoon asked a lot of questions on why they were leaving and where they were going.

"Kookie whae are we going?" Junghoon asked while holding Hoseok's hand waiting for his hyung to lock their front door. 

Jungkook looked at him as he adjusted his school bag on his back. All three had their backpacks with them. However instead of textbooks they were filled up with clothes, food, water, and for Junghoon his teddy and blanket along with emergency fruit snacks. 

"We are going on a little adventure, okie" Jungkook responded as they started walking on the side walk, heading out of the neighborhood. 

The walk to the subway station took about 15 minutes. Hand in hand the three boys walked down the stairs and into the subway station. While making their way to the correct side of the train track Jungkook couldn't help but have an ominous feeling. 

The subway was completely vacant. 

Hoseok sensed his best friend's uneasiness, so he decided to ask what was wrong. 

"Hyung?" Jungkook jumped a little startled by the sudden voice. He then turned to Hoseok. 

"Are you okay? Is something bothering you?" The younger asked in a gentle tone. 

Jungkook nodded "Yea I'm fine." While they wait for the train they decided to sit on a bench near by. Not even 5 seconds of sitting down Junghoon began to pull on Jungkook's sleeve.

"Hyungiie I have to go potty."


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