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After receiving  the emergency alert the boys switched the TV to the news. They rarely get emergency alerts, mainly because nothing major happens. So of course they were curious and worried as they hoped to find answers from the television. 

Jungkook more curious, Hoseok more worried. 

TV New Anchor  ----------------------

"Today this morning we had received information from the Busan Police Department that there have been sightings of suspicious activity near the coast." A young looking man with a  pink button up shirt said. 

Another man slightly older looking next to him spoke up after looking at his cue cards. "A female citizen has been attacked by another women on her way to work, bystanders say that the attacker came out of nowhere and jumped on the women trying to bite her neck. Luckily she only had a few scratches and was sent to the hospital for further examination."


Jungkook was shocked as he watched the video of the attack on the television. The woman that attacked didn't seem human at all. It kind of creeped him out. 

Hoseok on the other hand was pissing his pants. Seeing a person do that to another person practically scared him to death. 



"This is not the only attack, there has been 7 more along the region, 5 with fatal injuries, so we advise everyone to stay indoors for the time being and if needed to go out please go with caution." 

"This has been Choi Minho"

"And Kim Seokjin

"For your daily news."


Jungkook and Hoseok were silent. they didn't know what to say or what to do. Both were frightened. None of the attacks were near their neighborhood thankfully, however both were scared to walk out of the house.

"Hobi I am not letting you out of this house, its 9:30 and its dangerous. Call your mom that you are going to sleepover at my place. I will get your room ready." Jungkook said sternly at he check the time on his phone getting up from the sofa.

With that he went upstairs to make sure they had extra blankets and clothes for his friend.

Down stairs Hoseok dialed his mother's phone number.

"Hobi? Are you okay" his mother asked in a broken voice.

"Of course Ma why wouldn't I be? Are you okay?" Hoseok asked.

"Yes honey I am but I am not in town anymore."

"What do you mean you aren't in town anymore?!" Hoseok asked nervously playing with his sweater.

"Hobi no matter what happens I want you and Jungkook to stick together, understood." His mother's voice was shaky but assertive. "I will be sending you money through you phone and you make sure to tell Jungkook to pack plenty of food and water for the three of you. The-"

"Mom wait why-"

"Hoseok just do it! I then want you guys to take the first train to Daegu I will meet you here and explain everything. There will be an alert sent to the citizens at around 5 am, but don't listen to it instead you do as I say."

"Okay I will, I love you mom" he said with a hushed voice.

" Love you too" She whispered back before hanging up.

Hoseok decided he will tell Jungkook the information his mother just told him in a couple hours. If they will be traveling then they will need energy to keep them going.



The Ones Who Walked AwayWhere stories live. Discover now