Welp, time to lose my voice

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I just went off on my brother for screaming at my other brother. This has happened everyday for the past week, if it keeps happening, I'm gonna lose my voice. Let's call him, ummmm, brat, because he is one. So, brat has been a brat since he got back from my aunts, he was one before, but not as bad. He's constantly screaming at us, whining over the stupidest things, like today, he whined about light since we were trying to watch a movie and we were waiting for brother #3 to finish eating his dinner. He doesn't like eating in the dark so he kept turning all the lights back on, brat got mad and started crying because me and brother #1 weren't letting him watch the movie cause it would take legit 5 minutes to eat. I got upset at brat and screamed that I would turn the tv off if he didn't stop whining. That got him to shut up, thankfully. Then, 5 minutes ago, brat started screaming cause our dog pooped in his room at exactly 8:00 PM, which is when his turn playing with the dog starts. We have this thing where we each have to play with our dog for 1 hour, so, yeah. Now, Imma go calm down.


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