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Zelling sat in a chair with her hands on her knees. Beside her MacCready sat with his right calf draped across his left thigh, bouncing his foot in anxiety, rolling the ankle and watching the toe box of his shoe bend as though it were highly interesting. Zelling stared meditatively at the floor but every now and then when he looked at her she flicked her eyes toward him.

"I'm glad you came." She said. "But why did you come?"

I'm beginning to wonder that myself. He couldn't make out the conversation between Haylen and Danse but the tones used didn't sound like they would end on a positive note. The door flew open.

"There is no way this is just an open and shut case." Haylen was fuming and she caught Zelling in a gaze that surprised the younger woman.

"You said you got this from Knight Davenport." Haylen said. "And the schematics from logistics, you took those too?" Her tone was pleading, begging for Zelling to make it not true.

"He gave them to me, I didn't know they were stolen." Zelling protested.

Haylen shook her head. "You didn't double check to make sure Davenport went through the proper avenues?"

"Why would I?" Zelling held up her hands.

Sighing loudly Haylen walked the floor rubbing the bridge of her nose. MacCready watched her, forearms draped across his knees. "The evidence is pretty damning. You stole from a Brother, Zelling. That's all there is to it."

MacCready couldn't bring himself to look at Zelling for she seemed to be on the verge of tears. "What are they going to do to her?"

"The Elder is a little busy with the war at hand so likely the final decision will fall to Paladin Danse."

"Wait a second," MacCready interrupted. "Why not talk to this Davenport guy? He stole from you, Zelling stole from him, two wrongs don't make a right."

"Yeah," Haylen put in "This wasn't a simple clerical error someone worked around logging Brotherhood property."

"This is giving me a headache." MacCready stood up, watching Paladin Danse looking over another scribe's shoulder as he tried to purge the virus. Taking off his cap briefly he scratched his head. Why had the virus worked now instead of at Irma's? He could only speculate for he was not familiar at all with this technology, new or old. Any terminals he and Zelling had come across he left severely alone. That was her area of expertise. Maybe then Davenport had counted on her to use it. "This all seems a bit harsh."

"It is." Haylen frowned. "And I don't want to see us fall apart over this. I'm hoping Danse will soften the blow a bit."

"I can't sit around in jail while Davenport is still out there." Zelling rose from her seat and with the conviction in her voice and every line in her body to MacCready's eyes for the briefest moment she stood tall as a giant. "I know what he's up to."

The others listened intently and she somehow managed to capture Danse's attention.

"That virus was a present from a raider. It was supposed to be in exchange for the schematics but Davenport gave them to me to throw everyone off the trail. I figured it out after I caught them..." she trailed off, blushing.

"Caught them doing what?" MacCready asked.

Averting her gaze she only turned redder.

"Go on." said Haylen.

"R-right!" Zelling stammered. "Davenport's been communicating with raiders, feeding them information, smuggling them tech."

Here Haylen sat down. "He's a traitor. After everything- he came so highly recommended too."

Zelling slammed her fist into her open palm. Too hard, for she winced and rubbed her palm slightly. "If only Danse will let me go then MacCready and I will catch the bastard!"

"Maybe, "Haylen started "you should see if you can stop that virus before it corrupts that terminal with all our valuable data on it."

Zelling started toward Danse and the other scribe. Haylen watched her then smiled faintly at MacCready. "She's something else, huh?"

MacCready smiled in spite of himself. "She is."

And then Zelling ran smack into a table corner. "Ow."

They both winced. Straining to hear, MacCready wasn't sure how Zelling managed to convince Danse to let her work on the virus but she pulled up a chair and went to it.

"You really believe her?" MacCready asked, rolling an unlit cigarette between his fingers.

Haylen looked down at her hands then back up. "I know her as well as anyone. She's been with you a while, do you think she's up to something so...diabolical?"

Zelling's mounting indignation came to their ears. "No no no no no no no yes! No. No! Why?! What kind of chem heads programmed this?" The sound of keys being pressed madly. "Reboot! Reboot, you bastard!"

"It was kind of you to come all the way out here to support her." Haylen said absently, listening to Zelling's ranting.

"Okay, here we go. What?! The power of Christ compels you, you infernal machine!"

"Well...she and I have been through a lot." MacCready rubbed the back of his neck. The knowing little smile Haylen gave him made him feel odd.

"I will dig up..." Zelling growled "every single RobCo programmer and throw their bones to the mirelurks! I will- OH, COME ON!"

"Kal, maybe you should take a break?" MacCready suggested while Haylen hid her smile with her hand.

Then Aerosmith crashed into Sunshine.

"Whoo hoo!" Zelling cheered, wiggling in her chair in a sort of dance and singing under her breath. "System restored let's check the files. Bingo!"

"Alright," Danse said failing to hide his amusement. "Turn it off."

She complied. "Well I copied all my findings on here." The holotape was in her hand and she waved it for emphasis." Whoever made it certainly was cocky. But now I have a lead. A raider who fancies himself -or herself- a programmer. A raider using the name Shadow."

"I'll take a look and see what I can find, too." Haylen offered.

"That would be great."

Danse looked between the two women. "No one's going to do anything. You're still facing serious charges, initiate. "

Haylen lifted a hand as though shielding Zelling from Danse. "Sir, we have proof of Davenport's crimes."

Danse folded his arms. "His sweep and retrieve team is still in the field. As soon as he reports back to the Prydwen I'll have him sent here."

Sighing relief Haylen cloaked her triumph but flicked her eyes toward MacCready.

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