Chapter 4

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"Why don't we take a little break for lunch?" Alex said as she looked at the kids.

"Sounds good!" Kara said.

Everyone walked off to get their food.



"Those are mine!!"

"Absolutely not! We will not be having a Kryptonian argument over donuts! Separate sides of the room, both of you!" Ollie had to separate his two daughters before something got set on fire. Again.

"Where's Rebecca?" Alex asked Laurel.

"She refuses to enter rooms through the doors now. Claims it ruins her aesthetic," Laurel said.

"How does she get into rooms then?" Slade said in confusion.

"Ninja flipping down from the ceiling," Rebecca answered as she did exactly that.

"You really need to stop doing that," Laurel looked at her.

"No," Rebecca shook her head as she walked away.

"... your kid is weird," Malcolm said to Laurel.

"MY kid!? She's your kid too!" Laurel said.

"Eh," Malcolm shrugged.

"That- you can't just- thats not how it works Malcolm!" Laurel stuttered.


"Rebecca, for what I hope is the last time but I will assume is not the last time, no we are not stealing a blimp. What is your fascination with those!?" William looked at her as they walked into the viewing room. Well… he walked in. She flipped down from the ceiling.

"I don't know. Seems like a cool thing to have," Rebecca shrugged as she landed.

Martin Stein/Harry Wells

“I call it . . . ” Cisco grinned and removed a blue vial from his machine. “The calm after the Firestorm.”

"Nice pun," Winn said, making James and Kara snicker.

“What is it?” Jax asked from where he sat with Stein.

“It’s efficient decelerating serum,” Harry answered as Cisco handed the vial to Stein.

"In English, please," Rebecca groaned.

The elder half of Firestorm stammered in shock, looking at it. “It – it – it’s a cure?!” Cisco and Harry both smiled in answer. “We’ve spent months trying to devise a solution to neutralize the Firestorm matrix!”

"Wait… what?" Sara said in shock. They wanted to leave? 

“Uh, separate ourselves without blowing up,” Jax clarified.

“Or switching bodies,” Harry smirked. “We read your notes. Although,” he frowned at Stein, “why you wouldn’t want to switch bodies with him is beyond me.”

"Switching bodies?" Clark said in confusion.

"Uncle Jax told me that story," Alura grinned. 

“What Squidward here means to say,” Cisco threw Harry a look, getting an exasperated one in reply, “is we took the data you extrapolated from Newton and Curie and Galileo Hacks, every one of them, and we ran it through a Conway class nucleo-dynamic synthesizer.” He grinned, but Stein and Jax both stared at him blankly, making him huff. “Hold your applause, I only built it myself.”

"Sure you did," Caitlin said sarcastically. "You know how to make something that involves biomedical engineering all by yourself."

“First off, nobody was clapping,” Harry snorted. “Second, that explains why it couldn’t splice a proton for a neutrino field.”

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